(Requested) Standing Up for You - Sodapop

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"She's a soc?!" Steve sputtered, a few crumbs of whatever he was eating flying out of his mouth. His lazy position leaning on the wall had changed now to get in Sodas face.
     At the exclamation, Two-Bit suddenly engaged, "Wait what?! That's worse than sandy!" He stood up from his spot on the couch.
     Soda shook his head, "Look, she's real sweet, okay? Just try to be nice."
     "Nice to a soc? Are you fucking kidding me? I'd rather you date Sylvia before a fucking soc!" Dally snapped. For the first time that afternoon, he looked up from the kitchen table.
Soda turned to his brothers, brown eyes pleading for help.
     Darry shrugged, "I mean, they've got a point," He cast his gaze downward, trying not to hurt his brothers feelings. "They beat up on us any chance they get." He seemed to feel bad, though he continued to make lunch.
     "Yeah!" Dally agreed, "I mean just look at Johnny's face! Who do you think did that to him?"
     "She's not like that, alright! She's real nice and pretty and I really like her so you all shut up and behave." Slightly stunned by Sodas outburst, the gang did as they were told.
     A few minutes later, after Soda had finished tidying up like a nervous housewife, you arrived.
     When the doorbell rang, he shot a warning  glare to the boys in the house. "Be nice."
Upon opening the door, he hugged you in his arms.
     "Hey," you giggled softly, pecking him on the lips. With his arm around you, he said, "Everyone, this is Y/n."
    "It's nice to meet you all," You said, praying the nervousness didn't sleep through your voice.
     "Uh-huh. Is someone gonna show up and beat us or something? Or what, you gonna rob us? Or get us all arrested or something?" The curly black haired boy sneered.
     "No, obviously she's not, Steve." Soda spoke through gritted teeth, his arm tightening slightly around you.
     "No, no, he's right." Dallas stood up and out a hand on Steve's shoulder. "Why don't you go back to Daddy's house and fuck some rich guy so that we can all get along with our lives."
You opened your mouth to respond, before Soda replied. "Don't worry, Dally's just being bitter because he didn't get to whine about how the world isn't fair today." Soda's sarcasm was rare. Then again, he had every right to get annoyed with the constant negativity.
     You sat down with Soda on the couch, in an awkward silence as they all stared at you.
     Two-bit, although meaning to be lighthearted, let his hatred for socs slip through, "she's kind of fat, ain't she? I mean I thought I had a belly but-"
     Ponyboy cut him off. "She's a snake, probably just hasn't digested the last greaser she met yet."
     "Soda, I think I'm just gonna go." You told him, your hand still encased in his, with your gaze cast downwards trying to hide the tears that threatened to fall. With that, you rose from the couch and headed to the door.
     "No, please. Please just stay, just for a little while longer?" Soda begged. Of course, you couldn't reject his puppy dog eyes.
     "Okay," You relinquished with a pained smile.
     Immediately, Soda shut down anyone else's comments. "I don't wanna hear another word. Darry, what about that Paul guy that you used to be friends with? And what about that Cherry chick that you're so into, pony? Y/n has been nothing but nice and I expect y'all to treat her the same. I love her and-"
     "You love me?" You interrupted.
     "Yeah, I do." He smiled sweetly.
     That sure shut everyone up.

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