Be prepared

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The days were a blur. All everyone did was count each day for the eclipse. This was their chance to escape. They have heard rumors of the eclipse rising today and no doubt they were right. The moon had risen to block out the sun and so the lion guard prepare themselves to escape when they had the chance.

Fuli watches the sun rise over the horizon, waiting. She flinches when she feels a tap on her shoulder. It was just little Imani.

"Imani? What are you doing up this early?" Asks Fuli playfully as she lowers herself so Imani can climb on her back and onto her head.

Imani giggles as she plays with Fuli's ear. "Fu-wi"

Imani had recently learned to talk. Imani didn't know how to say a lot of words just yet but everyone could guess what she was trying to say.

"Imani? (Yawn) what are you doing up this early?" Asks Kiara with a yawn.

"Mummy!" Says Imani with a smile.

Kiara giggles at Imani sitting on Fuli's head. "I'm surprised that this doesn't bother you Fuli."

"If it were someone like Bunga or Ono, then there'd be a problem." Replies Fuli.

"I wish you had cubs too, Fuli. Imani needs cubs her own age apart from Nguvu and Moyo, and you also seem to have a soft spot for cubs."

"You know I can't. Not at the moment anyway. Scar is king, the Pridelands are not safe and there won't be a future to protect if Scar isn't stopped."

Kiara nods. "I know. I want to avenge my parents' deaths but I can't leave little Imani and its better if only a small group left."

"Where you go?" Asks Imani, looking down to look at Fuli.

"Nowhere, Imani. I'm just going on a hunting trip with Bunga, Beshte and Ono." Replies Fuli.

She felt bad about lying to her but it was better if Imani didn't know the truth.

"Can I come?"

"No Imani. You're too little."

"When you come back?"

"I don't know but I'll be home soon, I promise."

"Hapana! I think I can hear the Outlanders gathering at PrideRock for the eclipse ceremony thing." Says Ono.

Above the lair is PrideRock. If they stayed quiet and if it was in the right weather conditions, they could just make out what people were saying. They could hear the laughs and cheers from the gathering Outlanders. Judging from the dying racket, they were about to start the ceremony. The guard shudders as they hear the deadly footsteps of Scar and his spirit followers, Zira, Nuka and Tiifu. Fuli couldn't help but let a growl escape her lips and the same could be said for Kovu and Kiara.

"Outlanders from all around." Announces a voice that the guard guessed was Janja. "Before we begin the ceremony thing, I would like to announce the future leaders of the hyena clan and the jackal pack. Damu and I will choose one of our young to rule the hyena clan. Our daughters are Hasira and Shetani, our sons are Bingwa and Hatari."

The guard could hear the hyenas cheer

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The guard could hear the hyenas cheer.

"Sounds like Janja has chosen his queen" growls Kiara.

"And had offspring." Continues Fuli.

Imani looks at them confused. "Who Janja and what wrong with cubs?"

(Imani doesn't know the difference between cubs and pups yet)

"Nothing, dear. It's just that Janja isn't a friend of ours." Says Kiara.

"And judging from his kids names, they don't sound friendly either." Continues Fuli, her words full of hate.

They quiet down again to hear the next jackal leader.

"I have been informed that the next jackal leader will be one of Kijana's offspring. ReiRei will choose the smartest to be her successor." Informs Janja.

This time it was the jackals turn to cheer.

"Now it's time for our King to make an announcement." Says Janja stepping away from the peak as Scar makes his way to the edge with Zira, Nuka and Tiifu behind him.


Fuli looks at the entrance of the lair and sees moon moving in front of the sun ever so slowly. She looks at the others and sees they're looking outside too. They wait for a few more minutes before it was time to head out.

"We'll be back soon. I promise." Says Fuli.

Imani hugs Fuli's paw and Fuli hugs back.

"Please be careful." Begs Kiara, also giving Fuli a hug.

"You too."

Fuli walks towards the entrance and makes sure the coast is clear. She motions her head for Bunga, Beshte and Ono to follow and they quietly sneak away.

According to google translate:
*Damu means Blood (Janja's mate)
*Hasira means Ruthless (Janja's daughter)
*Bingwa means Champion (Janja's son)
*Shetani means Devil (Janja's daughter)
*Hatari means Dangerous (Janja's son)

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now