Healing Wounds

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It's a short chapter today because next week will be the FINAL CHAPTER for this book along with a Q AND A. If you have any questions, suggestions and things you want to see in book 10, please leave them in the comments and I will answer them on next week's chapter.

Kion helps take Fuli to her den by carrying her on his back. Kion didn't want to walk too fast for fearing he will hurt Fuli. Even taking a bad step which caused him to stumble would make her whimper in pain.

"You ok Fuli?" Kion asks after nearly stumbling over for the fifth time.

Fuli simply replies with a "mmhmm".

After some time, they finally make it Fuli's den. Kion was surprised when he remembered the way there. They walk inside and Kion gently puts his cheetah friend on the ground.

"Thanks Kion". Says Fuli.

"You're welcome." Kion replies with a smile.

Fuli rests her head on her paws as Kion checks her injury. Her wound had slightly reopened and was bleeding so Kion licks it clean. Fuli was thankful for having a friend like Kion. She remembers what he told her back at Priderock. Could she really give him a second chance?

"That's all I can do for now." Says Kion as he finishes cleaning her wound.

"You've done plenty." Fuli replies.

"I'm gonna go get you some food and water."

Kion leaves the den and soon comes back with a dead rabbit and a branch full of water.

"That was quick." Says Fuli.

"Easy catch." Kion answers.

He moves the water closer to Fuli and she gladly drinks some.

"You also need to eat to regain your strength." Kion says.

"You want some?" Fuli asks.

"No, it's ok. I already hunted a rabbit for myself."

Fuli knew he was lying but she was too exhausted to argue. She eats the rabbit before resting her head on her paws again.

"Try to get some rest, ok?" Kion tells her.

"Um, Kion?"

"Yes Fuli?"

"Can you please stay with me? I feel safer when you're around."

Kion gives Fuli a smile and lays down beside her. "Of course."

Fuli closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. Kion kept his promise and stays with her the entire time she rested.

Time Skip...

For the rest of the day, Kion took care of Fuli. He made sure she was well fed and rested and did the best he could to help her injury. Even when the sun had set, Kion stayed with her.
It was late at night when Kion awoke to a twig snap. He looks towards the entrance to see the intruder. Fearful that it was an outlander, Kion growls and holds Fuli close to protect her.

"What's going on?" Fuli asks sleepily.

"I heard something." Kion replies.

They stay quiet and listen. They hear the footsteps getting louder and then...a yawn?

"Hey guys. Glad you're awake." Says Makini.

She looked exhausted. Kion guessed that it must've been hectic for her and Rafiki taking care of all the injured animals all day.

"What brings you here, Makini?" Asks Fuli.

"Earlier today, Bunga and Asali came and told us that you were injured so here I am. I would've come sooner but Rafiki needed my help with the injured animals." Makini explains.

"Thank you for coming, Makini." Says Kion.

"Hakuna Matata."

Makini puts down her turtle shell full of supplies and starts sorting through the herbs, berries and flowers she had brought with her. She then examines Fuli's injury and begins working on a medicine that will help her injury.

"This may hurt a little." Says Makini when she had finished the medicine.

She puts the medicine on Fuli's injury and it stung. Fuli couldn't help but whimper at the pain as a few tears fall down her face. Kion does his best to keep her calm until the pain slowly fades away. Makini covers Fuli's injury with a leaf before attending to Kion's injuries. His injuries weren't serious but Makini insisted on putting some medicine on the many scratches and bites that covered his body. Kion tries to hold back a roar as he feels the stinging pain.

"All done." Says Makini.

She packs up her stuff and makes her way out of the den. "Now I can finally get some sleep."

Kion and Fuli couldn't help but chuckle at her muttering. They say their goodnights before going to sleep.

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