Old and new friends

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Not a very exciting chapter but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless

The next morning, Fuli woke up on her sleeping branch. She remembers what she had dreamt last night and that motivates her to get moving.

"I need to find the tree arch." She says to herself.

Fuli yawns and jumps out of the tree. She quickly stretches before she starts walking. Fuli walks and walks but could not find a tree arch anywhere. Before Fuli could yell in frustration, she feels how dry her throat and tongue is. She hasn't had anything to drink since yesterday morning.

"What are you doing in my territory?" Asks a voice, snapping Fuli out of her thoughts.

She spins around and gets into attack position.

"Who are you?" Fuli asks.

"I believe I should be the one asking the questions." Says the leopard. "But I'll answer your question. I'm Aina."

"You're not going to attack are you?" Asks Fuli.

"Only if you try to attack me or try to take my lands." Replies Aina.

"Don't worry Aina. I was just passing by. My name's Fuli."

"Nice to meet you Fuli."

"Aina!" Shouts another voice.

Another leopard comes running towards Aina and Fuli. This leopard was obviously male. He jumps in between Aina and Fuli. Fuli growls at him but the leopards snarl turns into a smile.

"Fuli? Is that you?" He asks.

"Badili? I hardly recognised you." Fuli replies.

"You know her?" Asks Aina.

Badili nods. "Aina, this is Fuli. She is the fastest and the leader of the lion guard."

"Now I remember. She was one of the animals who helped you take back your old territory." Says Aina.

"Didn't this place belong to Makucha?" Asks Fuli.

"A few years ago, me, Badili and the rest of our leap were looking for a new place to live. We were just passing by and we found no one living here except for Dahabu's herd and a few other animals so we decided to live here. We guessed that Makucha was afraid of being this close to the Pridelands when Scar took over so he left." Aina explains.

"That's convenient. Have you heard about the situation?" Asks Fuli.

Badili nods. "Yes. I was afraid that you and the others had been killed. Where are the others?"

Fuli didn't know where to start. "The others? They are ok...more or less."

Badili and Aina tilt their heads in confusion but let her continue.

"We were meant to escape together but they got captured. They were seriously injured in the process. I fear Bunga may not survive."

Badili lowers his head and Aina gives him a comforting nuzzle.

"I'm sure he'll be alright. He's a tough little guy." She says gently. "So Fuli, where are you off to?"

"I'm on a mission. I need to find Kion and anyone else who's willing to fight for our freedom. If I succeed, we may have a chance to take back the Pridelands. But in order to find Kion, I need to find the tree arch." Fuli answers.

"We know where it is. We can take you there but please, you must stay for breakfast." Aina says with a smile.

"Thank you." Replies Fuli.

Aina and Badili take Fuli to meet the rest of their leap. Not being in the Pridelands has its perks. The Backlands were full of food and life. Everyone was happy. They didn't have to worry about evil spirits or hyenas or anything. Fuli learned that Aina was the leader of the leap with Badili as her adviser. She guessed that Badili secretly had feelings for his leader. As Fuli, Aina and Badili waited for the hunting party to return with breakfast, Fuli was introduced to the leap. She was given a warm welcome, especially by the little ones. There were at least 7 of them and they choked Fuli with questions about the Pridelands, herself, the lion guard and more. 2 had climbed onto her back while she told them about some of her adventures, mostly ones with Makucha. One of the smaller Cubs had managed to climb onto her head. It reminded Fuli of Imani.

"Alright kids, I think you've pestered Fuli enough now." Chuckles Badili, gently picking up the cub off Fuli's head.

"Aww. But Fuli was about to tell us the story of how she and the guard met Scar." Whines one of the Cubs.

"Maybe some other time." Says Fuli, ruffling his little head.

"Can you teach us some hunting moves? Or give us some tips?" He asks getting into a sneaking position.

Fuli looks at Badili and he nods.

"First, you don't have your butt so high unless you want the prey to see you" says Fuli, fixing up the Cubs position.

The other Cubs laugh at her statement and get into a sneak position as well. Fuli teaches them the best way to sneak up on prey until they had mastered sneaking.

"Let's scar the adults!" Suggests a little female.

The others agree and run behind some rocks near the entrance, ready to pounce.

"What have I done?" Asks Fuli, lifting a paw to her head.

Badili giggles as the hunting party makes their way into the cave. They were dragging a dead zebra when the cubs jump out of their hiding places and scare them.

"I was not expecting that." Says one of the hunters. "When did you kids get good at sneaking all of a sudden?"

"Fuli taught us." Answers one of the cubs.

Aina explains the situation and the hunting party lay out their catch. Everyone eats their fill and go on with their day. Badili and Aina take Fuli to the waterhole for a drink and show her the tree arch.

"It looks just like the one from my vision. Thanks for all you've done." Says Fuli.

"It's the least we could do to help." Replies Aina.

Badili whispers in Aina's ear and she nods. "But we will do what we can to help take back the Pridelands. We will ask the herds if they will help us fight."

Fuli didn't know what to say. "Thank you so much."

"We will do what we can until you get back." Says Badili. "We wish you good fortune on your travels."

"Be safe Fuli." Says Aina.

"Thank you guys. See you soon."

Fuli runs under the tree arch and to her next destination.

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now