We're going back together

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The morning sunshine shines on Fuli's face, making her wake up. She had spent the night in a small cosy cave. Fuli stretches and yawns. This has been the best sleep she's had in a long time. Fuli watches the sun rise a little through the trees before getting up to hunt some breakfast.

She goes to the hunting ground and sees Kion sneaking up on a gazelle. Fuli hides in the bushes and watches Kion hunt. He sneaks up on the gazelle getting closer and closer until he was only pouncing distance away. Fuli couldn't help but smile. Her hunting lessons with Kion had really paid off. She had taught him the proper techniques with sneaking, pouncing and killing. Kion stops sneaking and stares at his prey.

'What's he waiting for?' Asks Fuli to herself.

Kion looks over his shoulder and sees Fuli hiding in the shadows.

'I know you're watching me.' He says though thought.

'I just wanted to see how terrible you are at hunting.' Fuli replies smirking.

Kion playfully rolls his eyes and prepares to pounce. He roars and leaps into the air with his claws unsheathed. He grabs the prey a little ways past its neck. The gazelle runs, jumps and tries to buck Kion off to try and escape. Kion holds on tightly, waiting for the gazelle to get tiered. The gazelle trips on a rock and falls over. This was Kion's chance. He pins down the prey and bites its neck.

"Breakfast is served." Kion says lifting his head.

His muzzle and paws were slightly caked in blood.

"Impressive. I'm surprised that you remembered all of my hunting lessons." Fuli replies coming out of the bushes.

"Yeah. When I was little I could only catch small game like rabbits and mice. There was no way I could take down a gazelle or zebra then. The only person who could that at such a young age was you." He explains.

"Cheetahs tend to use up more energy when running and hunting than other animals so we have to take down bigger prey. And I don't think I could catch 10 rabbits a day for the rest of my cub hood." Says Fuli.

"We better eat as much as we can before leaving the Oasis. Who know how long our next meal will be?" Kion replies.

"WAIT! You're coming back?" Asks Fuli.

Kion nods. "I had a vision yesterday. I think it was my future if I went back."

"What did you see?"

"The Pridelands were peaceful and full of life. Apparently, I had a mate and 2 Cubs. I couldn't get a good look at them because everything was kinda blurry. It was kinda like a wish that's going to come true. I always wanted a mate and Cubs."

"Maybe one day you will Kion but first, we need to go back to the Pridelands."

They start making a plan for the journey back to the Pridelands, they would leave as soon as they have finished their breakfast and had a drink.


"You're what?!" Yells Asali. "No. I won't allow it. You can't leave, Kion. Is this female really worth you risking your life for your old home?"

"Asali, keep your voice down. What happened back in the Pridelands is my fault. I never should have left." Kion explains.

"Ok, so you made some mistakes back in the past, big deal. I don't want what happened to that stupid Bananas the monkey happen to you. I lost a friend when he tried to leave. I don't want to be alone anymore." Replies Asali, sulking a little bit.

"Guys! I know you wanted a private conversation but I can hear from like a mile away." Snaps Fuli walking towards the lion and the honey badger.

"Asali doesn't want to be left alone, Fuli." Kion explains.

Fuli gives Kion a smirk. "Why doesn't she want to come with us? Haven't you told her about Bunga the bravest honey badger the Pridelands has ever seen?"

"Who is this Bunga?" Asks Asali. "He sounds like quite the charmer."

"I'm sure he'd be delighted to meet you, Asali." Fuli continues.

"SAY NO MORE! I'm coming too!"

Asali jumps onto Kion's back and starts kicking his sides like she's riding a horse.

"Chup, chup, Kion! The Pridelands need us!"

At first, Kion wasn't sure if he liked the idea of Asali coming too but the laugh Fuli gave them made him smile.

"Till the Pridelands end...!" Kion shouts.

"Lion Guard Defend!" Fuli shouts afterwards.

"What are we talking about?" Asks Asali.

Kion and Fuli ignore her and race through the desert letting nothing slow them down. They didn't feel the need to rest at all. It was as if the great kings of the past were helping them on their journey.

The trio barely wasted any time on their journey. The gas made it out of the desert without being attacked by vultures or getting covered in sand by the sand storm. They had soon made it through the grasslands and after a few days of travelling nonstop, they finally decide to rest for the night at the flowery hill.

Asali had climbed up into a tree and had fallen asleep almost instantly while Kion and Fuli were left to sleep on the ground. Fuli was just falling asleep when Kion taps her shoulder.

"Fuli, are you awake?"

"I am now." She yawns. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you." Kion answers.

Fuli stands up and follows Kion around the hill. They were walking in silence for what seemed like forever.

"I've really missed you." Says Kion breaking the wall of silence.

"Me too." Fuli replies.

"I'm so sorry that I ran off. I was scared that I would turn evil and hurt you. That has always been my biggest fear." He confesses.

Fuli hugs Kion which caught him by surprise. He eventually embraces the hug and hugs her back.

"You could never hurt me, Kion. I love you too much to say otherwise."

They eventually break the hug and go back to the tree where Asali was sleeping. The felines say their goodnights and fall asleep. They were sleeping a short distance away from each other.

During the night, Kion woke up when he felt movement beside him. He opens one eye and sees Fuli cuddled up beside him, gently purring. Kion wraps his tail around her like he did when they were younger and falls asleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now