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In the darkness of the eclipse, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte and Ono quietly sneak towards the boarder of the Pridelands. Getting out of the lair unnoticed was their first challenge. As much as the darkness from the moon gave the guard cover, Scar and his spirit followers didn't help because their bodies lit up the area with green and yellow light.

"This way." Fuli whispers as she leaps behind a rock and into a bush for cover.

One by one the others do the same. Fuli kept watch on the moon, being careful not to blind herself and counted each passing moment as the moon moved past the sun.

"Just a little further guys." Says Fuli trying to stay positive.

"We're gonna make it." Says Ono, clearly excited to stretch his wings and fly.

They had made it quite far away from PrideRock when the moon had moved past the sun. They were still in the Pridelands boarders but they won't be for long.

"Uh guys?" Asks Bunga. "You hear that?"

Fuli's ears prick up to the sound of barking and "hurry up fur brains!"

"Crap." Fuli mutters under her breath.

"Hapana! It's the Outlanders! They're coming after us." Screeches Ono.

"Run!" Fuli cries.

The guard starts running as fast as their legs will carry them but from lack of exercise from the past few months, this proved to be difficult. The hyenas, jackal and vultures managed to catch up with them quite quickly. Fuli notices Bunga falling behind from exhaustion.

"Bunga!" She cries running back for him.

Fuli grabs him by the scuff and tosses him onto her back.

"Thanks Fuli." Bunga says.

"Hakuna Matata."


Fuli and Bunga look up to see Ono trying to get away from Mzingo's vulture parliament. Mzingo grabs Ono's wing making him flap with one wing to keep him balanced.

"There's no escape Ono!" Taunts Mzingo and another vulture grabs Ono's leg.

Mzingo lets go of Ono and laughs as his vulture comrade flies in circles with Ono dangling beneath him.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Ono moans.

"ONO!" Cries the other three members of the guard.

"Just go on without me!"

Fuli, Bunga and Beshte keep running like their lives depended on it. Fuli's paws begin to sting and Bunga's weight didn't help either. She was beginning to slow down.

"Must...keep...going!" She encourages.

Three hyenas pounce and head straight for Fuli. Her eyes widen in fear but Beshte knocks them away and sends them flying. They were definitely gonna feel that in the morning. More hyenas try to attack but Beshte holds them off.

"Beshte!" Fuli calls when she had made some distance away from him.

"Big B! Come on!" Calls Bunga.

The hyenas tower over Beshte and attack him like they haven't eaten in months. They scratch and bite him like the savages they were. Beshte screams in pain as he tries to keep them away from his friends so they can escape. Six hyenas push Beshte so he was lying on his back. The hyenas took this opportunity to seriously injure Beshte. Fuli watches in horror as a jackal bites and scratches Beshte's stomach. She was surprised that it hasn't gotten one of Beshte's organs yet. Bunga had both paws over his mouth trying not to throw up. His eyes were wet but he tried to stay strong.

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now