Preparing for war

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Kion, Fuli and Asali continued their journey past the flowery hill. They were thankful for the moonlight to help them find the tree arch at helped guided Fuli to the desert.

"We are in Badili and Aina's territory." Says Fuli getting excited to see some old friends.

"Wait, Badili as in the leopard we helped get confidence in himself?" Asks Kion.

Fuli nods. "Yep. Aina is the leader of the leopard leap and Badili is her adviser. We are not too far away from the Pridelands now. Maybe a day or two walk from here."

"Great, let's go." Says Kion.

"I see something over there!" Yells a voice.

Kion gets into attack position when he sees three leopards approaching.

"We do not welcome strangers here." Says the leader of the trio.

"I am no stranger. I am a friend. I came here a few days ago. I'm good friends with Badili and Aina." Fuli replies.

"You must be Fuli, we've heard a lot about you." Says the leopard on the leaders left.

"We didn't get a chance to talk to you because we were guarding the borders. Not long after you left, our leader asked the neighboring herds to help fight Scar." Says the one on the right.

"You'll be surprised at the numbers we've gathered." Continues the leader. "We've just been waiting for you."

"Follow us." Says the leopard on the left.

Fuli follows the trio with Kion and Asali following close behind. Not long later, two shadowy figures come running towards the group.

"Fuli! You're back!"

Fuli instantly recognised the voice was none other than Badili with Aina running beside him.

"Badili! Aina! It's so good to see you guys again." Says Fuli with a smile.

"Who are your lion and mongoose friends?" Asks Aina looking at Kion skeptically.

Badili sees the lion guard mark on Kion's shoulder that was identical to Fuli's.

"Kion? Is that you?" He asks.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Replies Kion.

"Kion, Asali, this is Badili and Aina. Badili, Aina, this is Kion and Asali." Fuli induces.

"For the record, I am NOT a mongoose!" Snaps Asali, crossing her arms.

"Then what are you? A swan?" Asks Aina, starting to giggle.

Asali grumbles and everyone couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm just teasing. I know you're a honey badger." Laughs Aina.

"Proud to be one." Asali snaps, turning her head so her nose was pointing up.

"We've been getting anxious for your return, Fuli. We were beginning to fear the worst." Badili explains, changing the subject."

"We've been hard at work preparing for the battle. We have found many animals that want to help; mostly herds that have escaped the Pridelands." Continues Aina, motioning her head to look behind her.

Fuli, Kion and Asali couldn't believe the numbers of animals that were joining the fight. There had to be at least a thousand, maybe more. There were elephants, crocodiles, buffalos, and tons more.

"You found ALL these animals to help us fight?!" Asks Fuli her jaw dropping.

"Yep." Answers Badili.

"What's the plan?" Asks Aina.

All eyes are on Fuli.

"I don't know." She answers. "I'll think of one."

"You all must be exhausted. Would you like to stay in the den?" Asks Aina.

"No, it's ok. I'll sleep by myself." Fuli replies walking away. "Goodnight."

"Me too." says Kion.

"I go where he goes." says Asali.

They say goodnight and go their separate ways.

Fuli had found a place to sleep on a rock under a tree. She didn't know what to do next. She didn't think she'd make it this far. Fuli was so deep in thought that she didn't hear her lion friend approaching.

"Fuli?" He asks

Fuli lifts her head from her paws to look at him. "Hey Kion."

"You look like something is bothering you. What's eating you?" Kion asks, cutting straight to the point.

"I don't know; a lot of things I guess." Fuli starts.

Kion sits beside her and listens.

"I didn't think I'd make it this far. I thought I'd get attacked by the Outlanders when I tried to escape or die of thirst in the desert. I've been too busy thinking about completing this mission that I didn't think of a plan. I don't what's going to happen next." Fuli confesses.

"How did you escape?" Kion asks.

Fuli doesn't say anything. She looks down at her paws and she could feel the tears prickling her eyes.

"It-its all my fault." Was all Fuli could say.

"What do you mean?" Asks Kion.

What happened next caught Kion completely off guard. Fuli buries her face in Kion's mane and cries. He rubs her back to try and comfort her.

"Bunga, Beshte and Ono were meant to come with me. One by one they got captured and badly injured. I'm scared that if we go back..." Fuli couldn't continue; she didn't have too.

"We are going back to the Pridelands tomorrow night. Under the cover of darkness, You and I will go find the others and we will take Zuri, Kiara and their cubs here, away from the fight. I know you've been through a lot since I left and I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you and the Pridelands, I promise." Says Kion, gently.

Fuli nods and wipes away the tears. She hadn't had an emotional break down in a long time.

"Ever think about the old days when we were little?" Asks Kion, changing the subject.

"Too many times to count." Answers Fuli. "Why?"

"Just asking." Kion replies.

They sit in silence and look at the night sky for what seemed like an eternity. Fuli was about to doze off when Kion's voice makes her stay awake.

"I've missed this."

"Me too, Kion. Me too"

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now