The New King

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The Q&A is not quite finished so I will post it tomorrow. If there are any more questions, feel free to ask. The ending isn't that great but oh well and please don't hate me for choosing Kion to not be king.

Hope you enjoy nonetheless.

As the days passed, the land started to heal. For the first time in years, the grass turned green, the trees grew leaves and the waterholes replenished. Even the injured healed quickly. With peace restored, it is a time to celebrate. King Simba knew it was time to step down and pass the throne to the next king and queen. Kion decided to not be king. Even though he defeated Scar, Kiara was the one who trained her entire life for this moment. Kion knew his sister and her mate would be amazing rulers.

Simba held off the coronation ceremony until everyone had recovered enough from the battle to witness this historic event. Simba even wanted to give thanks to the lion guard and Rafiki and Makini insisted they look their best. The coronation will start at sunset.
For the whole day, everyone took part in making decorations and making themselves look their very best. Kion was even scolded by Asali to take a bath and brush his mane. Fuli was also given a similar speech by Zuri.

Rafiki and Makini had the lion guard coated in traditional paint. Kion had white paint on his face. He hadn't seen the rest of his friends since that morning but he would be seeing them at the ceremony.
Soon enough, Kion makes his way to PrideRock to wait for the ceremony to begin. Kovu, Kiara, Imani and the rest of the guard were already there.

"You look awesome with your face paint, Kion." Says Bunga.

Bunga had green paint on his face.

"Thanks Bunga. So do you. You all look great." Kion says.

Beshte had yellow paint, Ono had red paint and Fuli had blue paint. Each one of the painted faces had different patterns and marks to symbolise what the wearers stood for. Fiercest, fastest, bravest, strongest and keenest of sight.
By now, many of animals had gathered to witness this event.

"Is everyone ready for the ceremony?" Asks Rafiki.

"I think so." Replies Kion.

Simba walks out of the den with a smile on his face. "Let's not keep everyone waiting."

Simba walks to the peak of PrideRock while the guard, Rafiki, Makini, Kovu, Kiara and Imani stay back a bit. All of the animals look up to listen to their king give his speech. Simba hesitated to start. He looks beside him hoping to see Nala but he remembers she is gone. A warm breeze flies through his fur and Simba couldn't help but smile at the thought of his mate's spirit beside him.

"Nala. I miss you." He whispers.

Simba takes a deep breath as the breeze goes away. Simba looks at his subjects and begins his speech.

"Thank you all for coming. I know these past few days have been difficult but I'd like to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for helping take back the Pridelands. I also want to take this time to say sorry for each of your loved ones who died during the battle. Their sacrifice will forever be remembered but now is not a time to mourn. It's a time to celebrate their memory and the dawn of a new era. An era of peace. Each and every one of you have my many thanks but I would also like to thank the lion guard for never giving up no matter how dark and hopeless things seemed."

The lion guard steps forward and the animals cheer.

"I'd like to give thanks to Ono the keenest of sight, Beshte the strongest, Bunga the bravest, Fuli the fastest and Kion the fiercest and leader of the lion guard." Simba continues.

The lion guard bow their heads in respect to their king before stepping back so Simba could finish his speech.

"As you all know, a king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. Now it is time for the sun to rise with my daughter Kiara and her mate Kovu as the new king and queen of the Pridelands."

Kiara and Kovu walk towards the peak to join Simba's side. Simba roars to finish his time as king. Kiara goes next because she is the heir and the new queen. Then Kovu roars after her to start his time as king. The animals cheer and bow before their new king and queen. Rafiki and Makini approach Simba, Kovu and Kiara and hug them to congratulate them.

"Now it is time to crown the heir to the throne!" Cheers Rafiki who looks over his shoulder for Imani.

Imani, who was sitting by the lion guard, nervously walks towards her parents. Kiara and Kovu each give her a little nuzzle before Makini shakes her staff over the happy family. Just as Rafiki had done all those years ago, Makini takes a fruit off her staff and breaks it in half. She dips her fingers into the reddish liquid inside and paints it across Imani's forehead before sprinkling it with dust which caused Imani to sneeze.

"Ready to meet your subjects?" Asks Makini.

Imani nods.
Makini and Imani take a step forward to the edge of the peak and Makini lifts her up. The animals below cheer and bow. Imani couldn't help but smile as she feels pride running through her veins.

Makini soon puts her down on solid ground and Imani walks over to Kiara and Kovu and nuzzles them. The ceremony was now over and many of the animals left to go home and rest, including Fuli but she didn't walk towards her den. She walks towards the river that wasn't that far from PrideRock.

Fuli looks at her reflection, her face still coated with paint. Her quest to defeat Scar and find Kion was over but she felt like something was missing.

"Hi Fuli."

Fuli turns around to see Kion.

"Hey Kion. What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok. You look like something is bothering you." Kion replies.

"I don't know. I feel like there's something missing but I don't know what. I found you, we defeated Scar, Kiara and Kovu are king and queen with Imani as princess, but it feels like something is missing." Fuli confesses.

"Any idea what's missing?" Kion asks.

Fuli shrugs.

"I uhh wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it, Kion?"

Kion takes a deep breath. "Well, I told you that I love you and I wanted to know if you feel the same way and will give me another chance? If you don't, I understand."

Fuli realised what she was missing. It was Kion. She missed being with him when there wasn't any danger. She missed they way he looked at her when they told each other how much they loved each other. The thought of them being together once more made her heart flutter.

"If I give you another chance, can you promise me you won't run away again?"

"I promise."

Fuli buries her face in his mane as she nuzzles him. Kion couldn't help but purr. After years apart, they were finally back together and were one. The wind flies around them as they continue their loving embrace. They were not sure what their next adventure would be but they know they will defeat the enemy or excel whatever challenge was in front of them...

Till the Pridelands end...

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