Sneaking Into The Pridelands

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Finally Friday! And I am a little bit stuck on a chapter that I am currently working on so I've decided to put it to a vote.

Should I make Kion king? 🦁👑
Yes or No?

Please vote what you think in the comments because I can't decide 😅. Once I get the votes and continue to work on coming chapters, IF I write enough or finish the chapters, I will start posting at least twice a week until school holidays are over.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.

It was still night time when Kion and Fuli woke up to sneak into the Pridelands. This is part 1 of their plan: sneak in, find Kiara, Zuri and their cubs, sneak them out of the Pridelands.

Fuli is nervous about going back home. Has everyone been ok since she left? Fuli shrugs off the question and steps into the Pridelands boarder.

"The Pridelands look awful." Says Kion.

He could already see the dark clouds that blocked out sun and the dead dry grass cracked beneath his paws.

"Welcome home, Kion." Replies Fuli. "Not that this is really home anymore."

Fuli leads the way through the Pridelands. She was thankful that she was still wearing the boots Makini gave her to make less noise. Kion however, sounded like a rhino stomping on eggshells.

"Can you walk any quieter?" Asks Fuli getting annoyed.

"You've been here your whole life, of course you can walk through dead grass. Not to mention that you have boots to help cover up the sound." Snaps Kion.

They keep walking in silence until Kion speaks up.

"Why do you need those boots?" He asks.

Fuli takes off one of the boots and shows her paw to Kion. Her paw is covered in scratches that have started to scab and scar and drops of dried blood stained around the areas of the scabs. Kion gasps at the sight.

"This is what happens when you take full responsibility of keeping everyone alive. Time and time again, I had pushed past my limits and because of it, my paws have become painful to walk on but I keep going. That's all I've ever been able to do." Says Fuli.

"I didn't realise how much you've been through." He replies, hanging his head in shame.

"We do what we have to do to survive. Come on. We're wasting time."

Fuli begins walking again but Kion looks at his now dead home.

"This is all my fault..." Kion whispers to himself.

He looks at Fuli who is now 10 metres away. Kion runs to catch up to her and they continue their journey.

They finally make it to the lair. Neither of the duo wanted to go in. They were afraid of what awaited them. Who awaited them. Fuli takes a deep breath and walks inside.

"Hello?" She calls into the darkness.

No response.

Fuli, beginning to fear the worst, calls again for her friends but this time louder, "Is anyone in there? It's me, Fuli."

"Fu-wi!" Shouts a little voice.

Fuli could feel tears of joy and relief starting to form in her eyes as she sees a little lion cub running towards her.

"Imani!" Fuli says with a smile.

Imani nuzzles Fuli's leg and purrs. Fuli lowers her head and licks the tiny cub's head.

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now