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I almost forgot to update but hey! Finally updated! Sadly it's another short chapter today and I'm not particularly happy with it and it's probably not what you were expecting/hoping for.

One last thing. Asali rambles in this chapter.

That's all. Later gators!


The lion beneath her sighs. "It's good to see you Fuli."

Fuli still couldn't believe it. The lion that had saved her was Kion! But why did he try to hide who he was? A million thoughts were running through Fuli's head. A part of her wanted to kiss him but another part wanted to slap him.

"Fuli? Are you o-"

"Why didn't you come back?!" Fuli yells, almost breaking into tears.

"I wasn't ready." Kion answers. "I don't think I ever will be."

"Kion, I just traveled across the land to get you."

Fuli gets off Kion and he stands up.

"Do you have any idea what's happened in the Pridelands?" Asks Fuli.

Kion nods. "I saw the whole battle. I used our marks to see everything. "

"AND YOU DIDN'T COME TO HELP US?!" Fuli screams. "Everyday, I hoped that you would come back but did you?! No, you didn't! The Pridelands wouldn't be over run with the Outlander monsters if you had just stayed!"

"I know." Was all Kion could say.

"That's why I'm here." Says Fuli before grabbing Kion's tail and starts dragging him. "I'm here to take you home so we can stop Scar and-"


Fuli stops dragging Kion and looks at him.

"I'm not going back."

Fuli's mouth drops open. How could he say that?!

"But Kion-"

"Fuli, I'm not going back."

Fuli lowers her head and her ears droop.

"Very well, Kion. Maybe before the final battle, I can get Imani to safety. I don't want her getting hurt." Says Fuli sadly walking away.

"Who's Imani?" asks Kion.

Fuli stops and looks at him. Of course he wouldn't know Imani. He's missed out on a lot.

"She's your niece, Kion. She's the reason why I'm fighting. As leader of the lion guard, it is my duty to protect the Pridelands and it's my life's mission to see Imani atop of PrideRock. I love her like she's my own. So would you if you saw her." Says Fuli.

"Is there anything else I've missed?" Asks Kion, his ears drooping.

Fuli takes a deep breath before answering. "Imani's birth, attack on the Pridelands, our escape, Zuri's cubs and...Queen Nala's death."

Kion sits down, trying to take in the news.

"My mother is dead?" He asks.

Fuli nods.

"And my father?"

"No one knows."

Tears begin to form in Kion's eyes. Fuli gives him a comforting nuzzle and he nuzzles back.

"Kion!" Huffs a voice. "Kion, what have (deep breath) what have I (deep breath) told you about strangers? (deep breath) Stranger, prepare to face the wrath (deep breath) of me."

Fuli watches in surprise as the honey badger flops on the ground from exhaustion instead of facing her 'wrath'.

'Who's the rat?' Asks Fuli through thought.
'This is Asali. She took me in when I had no where else to go.' Kion replies.

"Who IS this, Kion?" Asks Asali, finally having enough breath to talk.

"Asali, this is Fuli. Fuli, this is Asali." Says Kion

"THE Fuli? The girl you've been telling me about?! But she's a cheetah..."

Fuli growls at Asali.

"T-There's no problem with that." Stutters Asali.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Asali. Kion, good to see you too. But if you're not coming back then I'll be on my way. Do you mind if I stay for a day or two?" Asks Fuli, starting to walk away.

"Stay as long as you need." Says Kion with a smile.

Asali wanted to protest but Kion glares at her to keep her mouth shut.

"Thank you." Replies Fuli with a smile that melted Kion's heart.

When she was out of earshot, Asali begins to scold her lion friend.

"Ok, what was THAT?"

"What was what?" Asks Kion.

"I saw how you two looked at each other. You still love her!" Snaps Asali.

"So what if I do?" Asks Kion.

"Did I miss something? You want to stay, she wants to leave and fight. Also, you're a lion and she's a cheetah!" Says Asali moving her hands around while trying to explain whatever she's rambling about to her lion friend.

"That didn't stopped us when we were younger."

"This is a doomed love, Kion!"

Kion groans and starts walking away.

"Where are you going?" Asks Asali, still using her snappy tone.

"I'm going to find Fuli." Snaps Kion.

"Alright. Go have fun getting yourself KILLED!"

"Whatever Asali."

"He is literally breaking the laws of nature. Where did I go wrong with this kid?"

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now