Power of a God

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Another cliffhanger guys. Sorry.


The former lion king looks at his long lost son.

"Kion? Is that you?" He asks.

"It's me." Kion answers.

"That's enough of the family reunion. It's starting to make me sick." Says Zira.

"Please let them go." Kion begs.

"Very well, Kion. Only if you play my little game." Says Scar.

"What kind of game?" Asks Kion.

"The game is, you decide who lives and who dies!"

Scar and Zira laugh.
Kion looks between Simba and Fuli. How could he make a decision?

"Tick tock, tick tock, Kion. Make a decision before we make it for you." Scar warns.

He gently scratches Fuli's throat and smiles when he sees Kion watching her blood drip down his claws.

"Save Simba!" Fuli yells.

Scar bites harder to shut her up. Kion could tell Fuli was scared. He sees a tear fall down her cheek.

"No Kion! I'm old, I've lived my life. Save Fuli!" Orders Simba

Kion didn't know what to do. He couldn't live with himself if someone died because of him. He wished he could run back to the oasis and hope that this was one big nightmare but his injuries told him this was real. He couldn't just run away because he was scared.


Kion snaps out of his thoughts when he hears Fuli scream in pain. Scar had pushed his claws deeper into Fuli's throat.

"You have 10 seconds." Says Scar.

Zira also pushes her claws deeper into Simba's throat causing the ex-king to growl.

"How does it feel to be powerless, Simba? I will finally get my revenge by killing you." Zira whispers in Simba's ear.

Scar counts down the remaining seconds. "7...6...hurry up Kion, 5...4..."

Kion sees two honey badgers behind Scar and Zira each holding onto a turtle shell full of water. Kion couldn't help but smile.

"Ok Scar, I've chosen. I choose..."

Bunga and Asali throw the water onto the flaming spirits. Scar and Zira scream in pain and let go of Simba and Fuli. Simba stands up and runs to his son and wraps his paws around him.

"Kion, I've missed you so much. Where did you go? Why didn't you come back?" He asks.

"Dad, I...I'm sorry." Kion replies hugging back.

Kion's ears twitch to the sound of groaning. He looks over his father's shoulder and sees Fuli slowly standing up onto her paws. Kion runs to her side and helps her up.

"What happened? Are you ok? Why didn't you wait?" He asks.

"I don't know. I tried fighting Scar and...I couldn't hurt him, I couldn't even touch him." Fuli replies.

"I heard you scream." Kion says.

"I don't know how else to tell you this but-"

"YOU LITTLE BRATS!" Screams Zira at Bunga and Asali.

Scar roars at Bunga and sends him flying.

"BUNGA!" Kion, Fuli and Asali scream.

"Kion, high leap!" Fuli yells.

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now