Peace Restored

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Kion runs to help Bunga and Asali fight Scar. Kion lunges at Scar but he couldn't feel anything. Even though they had fought before, it still scared him. This was just unnatural.

"Water hurts him!" Bunga yells as he flips and kicks Scar in the head.

Kion didn't understand how he couldn't touch Scar but Bunga and Asali can.

"Get wet, stupid head!" Asali snaps at Kion.

Now it made sense. Bunga and Asali were drenched in water. Kion runs to the lair of the guard and splashes into the water. He runs back as fast as he could and once again, lunges at Scar. This time, he was solid. Scar no longer had an advantage against Kion. Kion scratches, bites and does anything possible to weaken him but nothing was working. Scar was still stronger.

"You will die Kion!" Scar yells as he back paws Kion in the face.

Kion grunts and spits out blood.

"We'll see about that." Kion says in between huffs.

Scar growls and lunges at him but Kion dodges and kicks his side. The blow sends Scar collapsing onto the ground, coughing and gasping for air.

"Give up Scar. You know you can't win." Says Kion.

"You think you can get rid of me just like that?!" Scar roars. "You're clearly mistaken!"

Scar stands and charges at Kion. Kion barely had any time to react when the fiery spirit crashes into his chest and he falls to the ground. Scar laughs at him.

"This isn't working!" Says Asali.

"Stay away from Kion!" Yells Bunga at Scar.

Bunga bites Scar's ear and Asali scratches his leg. Scar roars in pain and flings Bunga off his head. Bunga lands hard on the ground with an 'oof'.

"Bunga!" Asali screams.

Scar grabs her by her neck fur and pulls her off his leg. He tosses her into a rock, knocking her out cold.

"Kion!" Simba shouts when he sees his son lying on the ground.

Tiifu took this opportunity to pin down the ex-king. Simba struggles to get out of her grasp even if it was hopeless.

"There's no one left to help you Kion." Scar purrs.

Kion climbs to his paws and back away. Scar was too strong. Was it even possible to defeat him?
He suddenly remembers what Bunga said: 'Water hurts him'.

"That's it." Kion says to himself.

Kion could feel himself smiling at Scar. "Catch me if you can!"

He runs down PrideRock and heads towards the lair. Without thinking, Scar also follows him. Kion stands in front of the pool of water that was in the centre of the lair and watches Scar slowly approach him.

"There's nowhere to run Kion." Scar laughs.

"Don't overestimate yourself." Kion replies, still smirking.

Scar roars and lunges at him. Kion dodges and forces Scar into the water. Scar screams in pain as steam rises around the areas where his 'skin' touched the water. Kion pounces and pins him down in the water. Scar struggles to get free but it was useless.

Tiifu runs into the lair, clearly exhausted from fighting. "Scar! It's Simba and Kovu! They're too strong! I need your help to-"

Kion bites down hard on Scar's neck and a loud crack echoes through the lair. Blood drips down Scar's neck and turns into lava as it touches the water.

"Scar! No!" Tiifu cries.

Scar's body turns to lava which fades away. Tiifu watches dumbstruck as her body turns to ash and disappears in the wind.
Kion walks outside the lair and looks up towards the sky which had dark clouds looming above the land.


Kion looks ahead of him to see his father and Kovu running towards him.

"We saw Tiifu come this way. Are you ok?" Asks Kovu.

Kion nods. "Scar and Tiifu are gone".

Simba and Kovu didn't know what to do. They were surprised, shocked and amazed. Scar and his spirit followers are gone and the war was over...almost.
The three males walk back to PrideRock. Kion walks to the peak of PrideRock to see the battle below still raging on. Kion takes a deep breath then roars the roar of the elders. The dark clouds are blown away and every one of Scar's follows were picked up by the wind and were blown back to the outlands where they belong. Simba stands beside his son and smiles. The animals below cheer in victory. Many had died, both Outlander, Pridelander and Backlander but their deaths will be remembered.

"I'm so proud of you, Kion." Simba smiles.

Kion smiles at him.
They hear pawsteps approaching them and they turn to see Kovu helping Fuli walk. Kion runs over to them and nuzzles Fuli.

"I'm glad you're ok." Fuli says with a smile, while trying to hide how much her injury hurt.

Kion could see the pain behind her smile and takes over helping her stand from Kovu. "I'm glad you're ok too."

"Eh, more or less." She replies with a slight chuckle.

"This kinda means you're the king, Kion." Says Kovu.

"What?" Kion asks.

"Well, you did defeat Scar who was the king so that makes you the king now." Kovu explains.

"But I never wanted to be king. I don't deserve it." Kion replies.

"Don't deserve it? Of all animals, you deserve to be king. If there's anyone who doesn't deserve it, it's me." Says Kovu.

"The choice is yours, Kion." Says Simba.

Kion shakes his head. "No. I don't want to be king. Besides, I'd be a hopeless king".

Simba nods. "I understand. I'll be king until everyone has had time to recover then Kiara and Kovu will take over".

By now, Bunga and Asali had regained consciousness and the rest of the lion guard had come to PrideRock.

"Is it over?" Asks Bunga.

"Yes Bunga. Things should be better now that Scar is gone". Kion answers.

"Should I go tell the others back in the backlands?" Asks Ono.

Kion nods. Ono salutes and flies off. It would be a while before they would see their friends and family again.
Many of the animals were already attending to the injured. They were either doing the best they could to help their injuries or escorting them to Rafiki and Makini. Speaking of which...

"You should go see Rafiki and Makini about your injury." Says Kion.

Fuli shakes her head. "There are others who are worse than me. I'll be fine."

"Can I at least walk you to your den so you can rest?" Asks Kion.

She nods.
Simba, Kovu, Bunga, Asali and Beshte had already left to help the injured down on the battlefield.
Kion knew that it would be a long and painful walk for Fuli so he helps her onto his back and they start walking.

"Thanks Kion." Says Fuli.

"You're welcome." Kion replies.

Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now