He's alive?!

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Sorry guys but there's a cliff hanger...enjoy the chapter!

Fuli runs past the waring animals to get to PrideRock. The only thing that managed to slow her down was a hyena that had managed to surprise attack her and scratch her side. Fuli didn't waste any time to attack it though. She just shook it off and kept running. PrideRock was so close now that she had to look up to see its magnificent structure.

'Kion, I hope you are close by. I'm almost there.' Fuli says to herself.

Fuli arrives at the rocky steps of PrideRock. She looks up and sees yellow and green light illuminating off the rocky walls. Without a doubt it was Scar and possibly Zira, Tiifu and Nuka. Fuli looks behind her for any sign of Kion but there was nothing except the fighting animals.

'Guess I'm going in alone...just like always'. She thought.

Fuli climbs the steps, careful not to stumble or reveal her presence to the enemy. She finally makes it to the top and sees Scar watching the battle taking place below.

"Scar!" Fuli yells.

Scar turns his head slightly and looks at the cheetah.

"Well, if it isn't the fastest of the Lion guard, Fuli. I had a feeling you'd be back. Although I must say, it was Kion I was expecting to see up here." Says Scar.

"Give up while you still can, Scar!"

"Make me!"

Fuli growls and lunges at Scar. He expected this and charges towards her and crashes head first into Fuli. Fuli lands hard on her side and coughs but she jumps to her feet and prepares to attack again.
The two circle each other and growl.

"This is your last chance to give up, little cheetah." Scar warns.

"Make me!" Fuli snaps.

She pounces at Scar and lands on his back with her claws unsheathed. Fuli feels the heat from Scar's body but she couldn't feel his solid body. Instead of staying on his back, Fuli sinks through his fiery skin.

"What the?"

Scar laughs as Fuli feels her paws land on the rocky ground. She looks up and sees Scar's body torn in two.
Fuli felt like she was going to throw up or scream but Scar moves around the stunned cheetah and becomes whole once more.

"You little fool! Did you seriously think you could touch me?! I'm made of fire and you're made of flesh! You must be dying to feel my blood even though you never will...but I will definitely feel yours." Scar says evilly.

Fuli was terrified. How could she defeat him if she couldn't even touch him?

"I can sense your fear." Scar purrs.

Fuli slowly backs away from the approaching lion spirit.

"I am not afraid!" She snaps.

"Prove it."

Fuli runs around Scar to try and confuse him. She even tries to scratch him but there was no sign of impact on her claws or on Scar. He backslaps Fuli's face and she collapses from the impact. She could taste the blood that dripped from the corner of her mouth.

"Had enough yet?" Scar asks.

Fuli growls and lunges at him. Scar roars at her. The power of his roar sends Fuli flying a few feet off the ground. Fuli screams as she crashes into a rock wall and falls to the ground.
Scar approaches the downed cheetah and smiles. The sound of Fuli's groaning and her lack of strength just adds to the cruel fun of the war.


Scar turns his head towards the main den and sees Zira approaching. She stands beside her king and looks at the cheetah.

"What's our next course of action?" Zira asks without taking her eyes off Fuli. "Aren't you going to kill her?"

The thought of sinking her claws into Fuli's throat made Zira grin evilly as she tries to contain her hunger for revenge and thirst for blood.

"No, not yet. Bring me my nephew. Let's see who Kion wants to save." Scar answers.

Zira smiles and disappears into the den.

Fuli, who was barely conscious, heard the whole thing. 'His nephew? Then does that mean...?'

Scar bends down and picks up Fuli by her neck fur and drags her to the peak of PrideRock.

"I know you're still awake, cheetah. Look at the battle. It's beautiful, isn't it? The rebellion you started will die in a matter of time. I am a king and a god. I have unimaginable power that even you can't imagine." Says Scar.

Fuli barely had the strength to escape his grasp. All she could do was watch as many of the Pridelanders and Outlanders died right before her eyes as they bit and clawed at each other as their blood stained the ground.

"I may not live to see it but...one day, your reign will fall...just like when you were alive." Fuli snaps, her voice barley above a whisper.

Scar growls and bites harder which makes Fuli whimper.

"Kion will be here any minute now to save you but what he doesn't know is that he will fall right into my trap."

Fuli's heart skips a beat. How could she have been so foolish? She ran right into Scar's trap and now she is a part of his plan.

"No Scar. Please don't do this."

Scar just laughs. "It's too late."

Meanwhile, with Kion...

After Kion escaped Janja thanks to Bunga and Asali, he runs straight towards PrideRock.

'Please be ok, Fuli.' Kion silently begs.

He looks up at the sky hoping for a sign that the great kings were watching and giving him strength. Kion's thoughts were interrupted when he hears a scream coming from PrideRock. He could feel his heart rise up to his throat when he recognised who the scream came from.

"FULI!" He cries.

His fear and anger only pushed his speed and determination past the limit. Kion runs even faster to PrideRock. He finally makes it to the steps and he runs to the top. He didn't care if he was making a lot of noise or if he was running straight into a trap. His only thought was to make sure Fuli was safe.
Kion finally makes it to the top and cries out Fuli's name. He looks towards the peak and sees Scar smiling evilly as held Fuli from his jaws.

"Fuli! Scar, let her go!" Kion orders.

"And why would I want to do a thing like that?" Asks Scar.

Kion growls and gets into attack stance.

"Ah ah ah, Kion. I wouldn't do that if I were you." Says Scar.

He slowly moves his paw so his claws were touching Fuli's throat.

"Scar, I'm begging you! Let Fuli go! Take me instead if that's what you want!"

"Oh Kion, the fun has just begun."

Zira walks out of the main den while dragging an adult lion from her mouth. She stands beside her king and drops the lion onto the ground. Zira unsheathes her claws and places it on the lion's throat.
Kion stares at the lion and couldn't help but find him familiar. The lion had a rusty red mane similar to Kion's, tan golden fur and amber brown eyes. Kion finally recognised the lion and he coulnd't believe his eyes.


Clouded Mind part 3 #9Where stories live. Discover now