Meeting Old Friends

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The next day in front of the court, all I thought about was Jake. The yesterday sense kept playing in my mind all over and over again. Eh... Why I said that. I feel bad about it, that I want to sprint to his home right now, but right now I have a trial to win. Hear hear Angel your big sister came to save you.

"The trial starts right now." The Judge said.

After the trial. I sprint to Angel and hugged her. I won! I won! Angel mine! "You win big sister! You are my guardian!" Angel said.

"I won! I won!" I said to her. "Come one, now that I'm your guardian. I have a present for you." I said and took her hand.

"What's the present?" She asked.

"I'll take you to the ice-cream shop." I said.

"Yay! Ice-cream, I didn't eat since long time." She said. What! Those bastard didn't let her eat ice-cream, of course she was walking at my steps, that's why I snatch her, I won't allow what happened to me happen to her. Huh?! Why do I have the feelings that's someone is watching us? Maybe it's my imagination.

After a short while, we went to the ice-cream shop, thankfully my wallet is full with money, heh perks being a rich girl. "Big sister what should I order?"

"You never ate ice-cream?" I asked. She shook her head; oh I am so glad that I took her. I order the clown deal, it's an ice-cream with all flavors in the shop in a shape if clown. "Okay, eat all of it and tell me your favorite flavor." She starts to dig and eat every single one of them. I helped her of course I don't want her to be fat.

"I like the pink and purple one." She said.

"That's call cotton candy, but I like the blue one." I said.

"No it's not tasty, the blue one not delicious." She scoffs.

"Hey, this is my taste, but I like cotton candy too." I said. She nodded her head.

"I know, you told me once, everyone has his own color and you should respect that." She said. Oh I remember this long time ago, when she was angry that I like the green color and not the pink one. After that we went to the toy store, I bought for her all the games she wanted. Sheesh my wallet is near to empty, I looked at the time it was nine o'clock. Wow the time really flies fast. Angel yawns. "I'm tired."

"Let's go home." I said. I lift her, because she was tired, she falls asleep at my shoulder. I went home, please mom do not be there, I opened the door and she wasn't there I let Angel rest in my bed. I put all her new toys in the corner in my bedroom. I kissed her forehead. I took a walk outside.

Sigh, I looked up at the sky, Angel helped me keep my mind off from Jake, but still I miss him and at the same time I'm scared to meet him. I mean like that I maybe broke his heart, maybe like this I betrayed him, no, no way-- "Aaaahhhh." I screamed. Someone grabbed me. I flipped him away from me. I glared at them. "Who do you think you are messing with?" I asked.

"I'm the one who should ask." The guy said. He put a tissue at my face, suddenly I faint.

After long time I finally woke up. I looked to see my hands were chained. "Wh-where am I?" I said.

"I see you finally you finally woke up." A voice said.

"Who are you people?" I asked.

He smiled a wide smile showing his vampire fangs. "The real question... Who are you?" He said

"Why should I answer, you kidnapped me and then you start to asking me questions, now let me go." I said.

"Oh little kid don't start to test me, now..." He leans to my neck.

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