My Days When I Was A Kid: Part One

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(A/N) Hello everyone, this chapter about Angel and her adventure when she was in elementary school, there will be new characters. Enjoy!


Angel POV.

"Good morning." Anna and Ella said together.

"Good morning!" I happily replied.

"Good morning." Sal casually said.

"G-Good morning." I said and blushed.

"Angel did you do math homework?" Sal asked me.

"Yes." I said and handed him the textbook.

"Thank you." He said. Ella leaned to my ears and whisper...

"If you don't confess to him soon, Anna will snatch him away." Ella whispered. Oh right, Anna likes Sal. I nodded my head.

"Anyway let's get to class." I said, suddenly I bump into a boy has short black hair that gives him a more mature look than his fellow classmates. he has brown eyes AKA Kou.

"Watch it!" He rudely said. Since you don't know... Kou and I hate each other, every time we see each other we start a fight or competition, he only has one friend, he hates every adult and cause trouble. "Oh if it isn't Angel, the air headed girl."

"Sh-Shut up, at least I'm not a jerk, unlike someone." I angrily said. He didn't react for the respond. "A-Anyway, it's all your fault that yesterday we didn't learn anything."

"It not my fault that the teacher is as air headed as you." Kou said with smirk on his face. I looked at his chest to see what he is, weird... Why he has black shining mark (unknown). What he is? "Hey air head, I'm talking to you!" He snapped me out from my thought. "Idiot. I have my doubt if you are the one who do the homework."

"Shut up you jerk, I do my homework!" I said loudly, but then low it. "But Sara is the one who help me." He laughed at me. He heard me. "What about you mister perfect grades? Do you cheat in tests?" He laughed more.

"You're kidding, right?" He happily said. He returned back to his jerk self again. "Back in my house, I do my homework alone."

"What about your parents? No one of them came in parents' day or even your guardian." I asked.

"It's none of your business!" He angrily said, more angry than normal.

"Come one Kou." Michal, Kou best friend said. Michal has short blonde hair; he has blue eyes and white fairly skin. He took Kou arm and dragged him away. Kou nodded his head to Michel and gave me hard glare. I stick my tongue out, he scoffed and turned away.

"He is an idiot! Not just an idiot, he's a jerk too." I angrily said.

"Hello everyone! Tonight is pop and jam festival, don't forget to come. Have fun with all the games, food and don't forget to confess for the one you like. It start at six o'clock and end at ten o'clock. Thank you for listening." A loud speaker said. Yes! This might be my lucky chance to confess. I stared at Sal who was in a deep conversation with Anna. Carp, Anna already making her move. I quickly meddled.

Later, it was P.E period. I stood in the line for running race. I saw next to me Kou. Seriously, now he's standing next to me. This is my chance to win on him at a race. I turned to him. "Hey Kou, wanna race to see who's the better?" I asked. He smirked at me.

"Sure, but why don't we make it a little exciting?" Kou said. I gave him puzzle look. "Let run to the finish line, and then keep running to old tires, to the big wall and climb it, and the one who finish the race will make the loser obey him all the day." I nodded my head for agreement.

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