My Days When I Was A Kid: Part Two

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"Hmm... All we have a picture of a girl smiler to Janet, what else?" Kou said.

"I think she's his mother. They have the same hair color, the same eyes and the same skin." I said, and also both of them are vampires. "I think she really is his mother." Kou hit my head. "Ow!" Now I know how that pervert feel when Sara hit him.

"You really are an air head girl, that's not enough, we need more information." Kou said.

"Oh, I know maybe Jake know some informations!" I said.

"Let me guess 'you'll ask him if Janet got pregnant before or not' " Kou said. Wow, can he read my mind? I nodded my head. He punch my head again. "Seriously you are officially the worst at things like investigations." I rubbed my head. "You should ask him something less suspecting." I nodded my head and head to where Jake is.

"Jake, I have question." I said, as I grabbed his shirt, so he can look at me. He raised his eyebrows.

"Me? Question?!" He said almost surprise. He really irritate me! Seriously, what Sara like about evil pervert like him. "Ask."

"Um... Oh yeah..." I repeat in my head what Kou said. Alright no suspicious questions. "Well since you are my big sister boyfriend. I want to know about your life... Ten years ago."

"Why ten years ago?" Jake asked.
"Because I said so! Now answer!" I shouted at him. He was about to scare me, but Sara shoot him scary glare and rise her fist at him. He gulped and turned at me.

"Well ten years ago it was the time when I repeated middle school grades all over every year in different places, Janet and I used to fight very much about moving, because she liked a guy and doesn't want to separate from him, so I--" Jake said.

"What happen to her and the guy?" I cut him off.

"Well, she really liked him, so she refused to move out, so I left her at Ravens hook--" He said

"Thank you for the informations! " I happily said and ran to Kou and Michal.

"So?" He said. I told him everything, Kou rise his fist, I close my eyes preparing for the pain, but when he reach my head he rubbed it. "Good job, you weren't that suspicious." Wow is it hot or am I imagining things? "Angel do you have fever, your face is red?" He put his hand at my forehead, but then my face became redder, I slapped his hand away.

"Sheesh don't touch me, I'm fine." I said. What is this feeling? Nothing, I should focus on taking care of Kou and find the real relationship between Michal and Janet. "A-Anyway it's getting dark, good night." I sprint to Sara's camp.

Kou POV. Inside Kou dream.

It's dark... I barley see anyone. The room changed to downtown at RoseVill. It's cloudy... It's always cloudy in my eyes, the sun in my life faded away long time ago. Everybody is fake. There smiles, the way they talk, everything, but the only has a true smile is Michal. I swore to myself I would protect that poor boy, just because he live in orphanage and he's a crybaby doesn't give them the right to bully him. It was both of us for a time. I thought only him was real in my life, but then that stupid air headed girl capture me by her smile and her kindness, I won't give her to anyone.

"Heheh... Kou mother loves you, that's why she gave birth to you, don't give up in life." A gentle voice. Mom... Your voice, I don't want to forget it ever.... Why? Why did you died at that incident, if that incident didn't happened, I would have a happy family, I wouldn't get these powers who let my scars heal or that abusive father who always get his anger out of me, but why when Angel touches me the powers stop working for a bit of time?

"Kou you are such a jerk!" Angel shouted. "Hehehe... Don't cry."
The next morning.

Angel POV.

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