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(Grayson's P.O.V. )

Ethan looked happy as we stopped at a flower shop, he grabbed loads of roses

"Is this for your girlfriend" the lady at the register asked

He proudly nodded

"Infact it is for her" his smile shot down while silence filled the air

"Well I hope she likes them" the lady gave us a friendly smile as we were making our way back to the car

"Did you really need this many Rose's?" I asked

He really did get alot and this idea better work because carrying this many Rose's was starting to hurt my back

We hopped into the car and drove towards the beach

"Okay gray please set everything up I'm gonna get Peyton" Ethan avoided eye contact with me

"Good luck, text me when your on your way back so I can hurry up" I rushed in the back of the car to grab the roses. I Slammed the door shut while making my way down to the beach

(Ethans P.O.V.)

my heart was racing as I pulled up to Peyton's house

She wasn't answering my texts or any of my calls, so I slowly made my way out of my car and over to the front door, right as i was about to knock she opened the door and bumped into me

"What are you doing here?" She sounded upset

I looked away from her and then at the ground

"Just come with me. Please" her eyes met mine and she quickly rolled her eyes

"Fine but this better be quick" she slammed the door behind her as she started to walk towards my car

A quietness filled the air as I noticed she was staring out of the window

I huffed out a breath and continued to focus on the road

Soon we where there and I made her put a blindfold on

"This is dumb why are you doing this" she argued

"Because you'll see" I lightly said

I texted grayson as we started to make our way to the area on the beach just to make sure he was gone

After I got a text back from him saying he left a few minutes ago I started to walk quicker to the spot

"Ok ready?" I mummbled while placing her in a spot

She nodded her head

I took off the blindfold revealing Rose's placed all around this picnic and some candles where even lit up

She turned to face me and all I saw was her glossy eyes

"Do you like it babygirl?" I asked

She didnt say anything but she quickly ran into my arms and hugged me

"Thank you" she whispered into my ear

I smiled and began to hug her a little tighter

"Ok well before anything else I just want to tell you something" i began to say and she gave me her full attention

"I love you and you mean the world to me, fuck it you are my world. You make me happy every day and i just want us to promise something to each other. We wont let something stupid get in the way of us, no people, no rumors, nothing." I inhaled

Her smile grew as she nodded

"Ok now we can eat" I joked at I placed my arm around her waist

(Peyton's P.O.V. )

We sat there watching the sunset, after we ate I felt him staring at me but I chose to continue to watch the sunset

My heart was racing when I noticed he came closer to me

I tried to hide my smile but i just couldn't hide it

Ethan placed his hand on my chin motioning my head towards his as he started to lean in

My eyes closed and I let our lips crash into each other

In that moment all i could think about was how much i loved and cared for him

But i just didnt know if what he did today was actually meaningful

What if he had feelings for that girl

What if he was just using me to get to her

All these horrible thoughts took over my mind and I quickly pulled away from him

I saw his face fall

"What's the matter?" He sounded upset

I quickly stood up

"Take me home" I sternly said

I dont get why I was getting so worked up over stupid thoughts

I mean for all I know I could have been overthinking this whole situation

But I couldn't take any chances right now

"W-what did I do" he stuttered to say

I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out quickly dialing a number

"Ty what are you doing" I mumbled into my phone

"Nothing why what's up?" He sounded worried

"Can you come pick me up.. like right now" I started to get anxious

I could hear him sigh into the phone

"I'm kinda busy at the moment peyton" he rushed

"Goddamit tyler I dont give a shit get your lazy ass down here and pick me up" I started to yell

I hung up the phone and started to walk away from ethan who was staring at the ground the whole time

I huffed as I hoped he would stop me but he didnt he didnt even try to take my phone away from making that phone call

Maybe he really doesnt love me

After waiting almost an hour tyler finally showed up and there I was upset at a corner somewhere looking like a prostitute

"Hey" he rolled the window down and unlocking the car

"Hi" I gave him a short answer while hopping into the passenger seat

I looked out of the window to see ethan still sitting in the same spot as we drove past the beach

He looked to be on the phone with someone and for all I care it's probably that bitch he was cheating on me with earlier

"Okay what's going on between you two? You guys started officially dating yesterday then you break up and now nobody knows what's going on" he stopped the car in front of my house

I rolled my eyes before giving him an answer

"Look, he hurt me okay he.. nevermind he is to good for me anyways, I mean come on I'm a fucking nobody and well he's freaking Ethan Dolan" I felt a tear roll down my face

But thank god Tyler didnt notice

"Dont be like that pey-"

"Yea well I'm done talking about this, thanks for the ride" I stormed out of the car and into the house

Fuck. My. Life.

So my senior year is approaching fast and I'm going to start applying for college's and I'm nervous

I'm thinking about going to UCLA or some other college in California

I've always wanted to go there so why not

Anyways the only really good thing Is Is if I get into a college in cali then I can leave Michigan and it's horrible weather behind

But enough about me. I hope you all are enjoying the story

Love you guys<3

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