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(Grayson's P.O.V. )

I watched him leave as I quickly dialed up peyton

She quickly answered and I began to tell her what happened

"So peyton please dont get mad or upset" I was hoping she would be calm when I told her the news

"Ethan is with that girl.."

She was silent for a moment

"What girl?" Her voice sounded quiet

"The girl from his jog" I answered

I heard her hang up and I started to feel worried

I made my way over to my car and I drove over to her house

Peytons grandma always left a spare key under a rock in the garden so once i found it i made my way inside

Right when i walked into the house you could hear peyton crying away in her room

I noticed that her grandma left. Who could blame her I would want to get out of the house to drain the crying

"Peyton?" I mumbled while making my wyatt to her room

The crying stopped once I opened the door revealing a heartbroken peyton curled up on the floor

I rushed over to her and hugged her tightly

I dont understand how ethan could hurt her

She was perfect, beautiful, smart, everything you would want in a girl

"I cant believe him" she tried to say

My hand cradled her face as we rocked back and forth

"Peyton I dont know what's gotten into him, I think after the whole thought of losing you at the party messed him up a little and then when he saw us talking he must of thought something was up and so he wanted to get you back" the words left my mouth so quickly

I wanted to get this over with, so I pulled back the bandage.. fast

"And well I think he is seeing her. He left with her before I came over here" we stopped rocking and she pulled away from me

She sat on her bed all slouchy and I followed her

"I dont understand him. I did my best to make him happy" somehow i felt that

All I could think about while she talked was how much I was starting to like her, and I knew that I was about to make the worst mistake every

I immediately crashed my lips onto hers so she would stop talking and to hopefully make her feel better

My hands cupped her cheeks as she placed hers on my back

When we pulled away we looked into each others eyes and I noticed her smile a little

"Did I make you feel a little better?" I jokingly asked

"Suprisingly yes" she giggled

Her cheeks began to blush and my heart began to race

I really do think my feelings for her were growing

Ethan is going to be so pissed

But what the hell he is with that girl leaving peyton all alone.

"So do you want to get some ice cream?" My voice sounded upset but I tried to sound happy

Her face looked up to mine and a smile appeared on her face

"Sure let me get ready" she kissed my check and went into the bathroom

I made my way downstairs to the living room and scrolled through Instagram waiting for her to get ready

Finally after 20 minutes I hear footsteps behind me so I turn around and I was shocked

She was just wearing leggings and an oversized shirt that she tied to the front while her hair was in a messy bun

I will admit She looked good in a lazy outfit

"Well let's get going" she raced our of the door and into my car

I laughed as I caught up to her

(Peyton's P.O.V. )

When we pulled up to the ice cream and coffee shop i glanced out of the window and saw ethan sitting across from the girl he kissed

I looked over to grayson who had already saw them

"We can go somewhere else if you want" his voice sounded shakey

I shook my head

"No were going in and getting ice cream then we can just head back to my place for some movies" I started to get out of the car

Grayson put the car in park and smiled a little

One we reached the door grayson stepped in front of me to open the door for me, I covered my mouth with my hand and let out a small laugh

I made my way to the counter and quickly felt someone looking at me

Right away I knew it was ethan

"What would you like" the girl behind the counter asked with a fake smile

My eyes scanned the selection and finally I picked out what I wanted

"Um I would like a chocolate shake" I kindly said

Grayson looked at me with a confused face

"I thought we were getting ice cream?"

I rolled my eyes jokingly

"I know but a shake just sounded better" I nudged his arm as he smiled

As the girl started to make our shakes me and grayson where leaning up against the counter talking

"You know he's watching you right, his eyes have not left you since we came in here" grayson mumbled while trying to point ethan out

I huffed and nodded my head

"I noticed" I rolled my eyes while facing the counter

All of a sudden I felt a hand brush a piece of hair out of my face

"I just like to piss him off" grayson looked into my eyes as I laughed a little

Finally we got out drinks and started to leave

Before we reached the door I glanced over to see Ethan who looked like he was ready to punch gray, so I stopped walking and gray did the same

I looked up at him and gave him a small peck on his lips

"What was that for?" He sounded a little anxious

"You know why" I winked at him and headed outside to the car

The drive home was a little weird I was expecting ethan to text me or gray but our phones were not blowing up

I looked out of the window feeling so upset

"I'm going to go home I'm not really in a movie mood, im going to drop you off is that alright" I could see grayson rub his neck nervously

I huffed

"Fine" I gave him a short answer

Once we pulled up to my house I looked at grayson who was avoiding eye contact with me

"Thank you for the shake" i said

He gave me a quiet mhm before I made my way out of the car and to my front door

As I walked in I shut the door and ran up to my room

"What the fuck am I doing"

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