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(Peyton's P.O.V.)

"So the spare bedroom is up the stairs and to your right, my room is right across from it" I pointed out to amber

She gave me a small hug and left me alone

I sat in the dark letting the moonlight come through the window to light up the kitchen

My mind was to wide awake so I couldnt sleep

Since my eyes didnt grow heavy and something was telling me to go outside

I followed my stomachs suggestion and grabbed my blanket then proceeded to head outside to the deck

"Trouble sleeping?" A voice came from behind me

Once I turned around I was instantly met with a taller figure than me

My eyes began to gracefully follow the line of his shirt up to his eyes

As a light turned on I saw that it was ethan

"W-what are you doing here?" My words came out faster than i could process

He lightly grabbed my arm and sat me down

"I'm sorry, for everything I did to you and I wish I could take it all back. But there is something important I have to tell you about kiara" he paused

I wanted him to spit it out but he looked worried so I figured It would be best if he took his time

"She lied to you pey, she isnt pre-"

The backdoor quickly opened interrupting Ethan

We both turned to look over and graysone was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed

"I told you to leave us alone" gray didnt move but he clenched his jaw pretty hard to show he was beyond pissed

"Yeah I know and I'm sorry but I just really needed to tell peyton something" ethan tried to explain but i dont think gray was having any of it

"Leave... now" he pointed his finger at the front door

My eyes moved back and forth going from ethan to gray but soon my mind grew a headache and i couldnt take it anymore

"Why dont you both just go" i rose from the seat and covered my face with my hands

"Seriously I cant take this anymore, all you guys are doing is fighting. And I hate to be the reason why" my mouth couldnt stop opening

My brain was telling me to shut up and stop talking while my mouth was ignoring everything


"But nothing.. maybe we should all take a break from each other" finally the words I never wanted to say

They just fell out, I felt like I couldnt stop them from doing so

"If that's how you feel then fine" grayson began to storm off

"Gray wait.. you know that's not what I ment" i began to run after him

He stopped in his tracks and faced me giving me a hurt look

"No your right. We need a break from each other.. so were done" tears filled his eyes but he tried hard not to show them

There was nothing I could say.. nothing could come out

This feeling i was having felt like i was being stabbed in the chest with the sharpest knife in the box

Kiara won

She got my ex boyfriend and got pregnant by him

And then she got grayson to...

My body felt like it was in quick sand just sinking to the floor

I watched them as they left and didnt look back, I had no emotion anymore at this point

No tears

No sadness

No caring


Wow almost the end of book 1..

I'm shocked by how many people liked my story so far

I am really thankful for you guys and I'm glad you all are enjoying the book

Love ya<3

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