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(Peyton's P.O.V.)

"Well hello sweety I'm glad to see you" nana basically ran to me all happy to see me

I put on a fake smile while stretching my arms out to her

"Hi to you too nana"

As we pulled apart she walked away to the kitchen and I bolted up to my room and sat at my desk staring into my mirror

My face looked different to me, it was like I couldn't recognize who I was anymore

My phone began to ring but I just ignored it hoping it would stop

But apparently someone needed to get ahold of me because they kept calling me

I rolled my eyes and pushed the seat back while slowly getting off of it and header towards my bed

My phone screen was turned on and I saw it was ethan calling me

A small sigh left my mouth as I sat on the edge of my bed almost sliding off onto the floor

"Hello?" I basically whispered

"Hey babygirl, are you alright?" He sounded a bit worried

"Yea I'm fine just tired" I lied

I literally woke up from a nap an hour ago

"Well I'm coming over we need to talk" the way he said it made me scared

His voice sounded shaky but happy at the same time and I didnt know what to expect from it

He quickly hung up after he told me he was coming over so I wouldn't be able to stop him

I picked myself up and headed down to the living room before ethan got here

a few minutes of silently waiting a knock finally came on the door

I shot up and basically ran to the door

Once I opened it ethan quickly looked at me and leaned down to kiss me

I backed away from him and motioning my hand for him to come in

We sat on the couch a few inches away from each other

I started to fidget with my hands avoiding eye contact with him

"Do you like grayson" he said breaking the silence

I felt my face turn red a little then I shot up looking at him

He gave me a sad look and then looked away

"I knew it" he quickly stood up and put his hands behind his neck

"Peyton why didnt you just tell me this" his voice was starting to get louder

"Like grayson told me he liked you but he said he is starting to get over you because he knows how much you mean to me" the way he was acting started to scare me

I slowly stood up making my way to the stairs just incase I need to run up to my room to get away from him

He turned to face me and he started to get close

"Do you want to be with him or me peyton, answer me right now" his arms were crossed over his chest

My heart felt like it was beating really fast and hard

"Why are you so worried about this ethan, I'm with you isjt that enough" I threw my arms up

He rolled his eyes

"Peyton I want a serious response, i dont want to waste my time with someone wh-"

"Wow really? You told me youd change at the hospital and look you didnt your still a dick." I interrupted him

His face looked stunned

"Leave" I quietly said

He didnt flinch or say anything, he just did what I asked

Tears began to leave my eyes as I watched him just leave without even putting up a fight to stay and try with me

Maybe I'm not worth it to him anymore

Maybe he just wants someone else and maybe he is doing this to get rid of me easier so he can be like grayson and mess with other girls every night

As I sat curled up In my bed staring at my ceiling i reached for my phone and called ethan

As it rang nobody picked up so I left a message

"Hey e, I'm sorry for what I said earlier i love you and your the only one i want, yes I did start to like grayson but that was when I was in the hospital and we werent together. But being with you makes me happy makes me feel better about myself you are the one I dont want to lose, I want to continue to make memories with you and be the one you lean to whe. things get tuff, please come back here so we can actually talk.. no nevermind I'll just come to you" I ended the call and quickly grabbed my keys and bolted out of the house

Once I got in the car I rushed to Ethans apartment

As I pulled into the parking lot I sat there for a moment thinking about what I was going to say to him and if he would even listen to me

Finally I got the courage to leave my car and go talk to Ethan

A few minutes later I was faced with the front door of their apartment and thoughts were racing through my mind

"Here goes nothing" I mumbled to myself as I took a deep breath and knocked on the door

I love when you guys spam me<3, I just like hearing your guys feedback it helps me learn more and try to figure out what you guys would like to see happen

So keep spamming :-P

Love ya guys!!

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