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(Peyton's P.O.V.)

"You should go he'll be here any minute" grayson rubbed my hand with his

A side smile appeared on my face as I nodded

I slowly stood up and kissed him before I made my way out

I decided to give this whole thing a try I mean I'm single I'm free to do whatever I want

And this feels right to me at the moment so I'm not going to push it away like i did with so many other things

My walk home was quiet and boring until I bumped into Tyler

"Watch out" I pushed him and yelled jokingly

He looked pissed until he realized sho pushed him

"Watch where your going asshole" he jokingly said to me

We both laughed as he began to walk home with me

"So how is everything, we haven spoke in a hot minute" he bumped my shoulder with his lightly

I looked down at my coffee before looking up at him

"Well, me and ethan aren't together anymore.. he uh.. got someone pregnant and hes acting like nothing happened. But I'm with grayson now" it was weird to say that i will admit

But hey what's moving on if you didnt do anything weird

"As long as your happy I'm happy" he sounded like he ment it which made me happy

When we got to my house he stopped

"What's wrong" my eyebrows furrowed

"Okay this might be crazy but that kiara chick might be lying about the baby being ethans" he began to rub the back of his neck

I became irritated

"Oh my god ty seriously I'm sick and tired of hearing this. He obviously got her pregnant I saw them together and he was asleep on the couch half naked whil she was in his shirt, that obviously screams out 'we just had sex' I mean come on" I shouted

Alot of people began to stare at us but I couldnt care less

"I'm just saying" he started to look weird

"Yea I'm done listening tyler goodbye" my hand basically slammed the door shut in his face

I almost felt bad but I knew that pushing people away would help me get over things

Pushing people away from me is like my way of clearing my head

It's best if people just stay away from me when I'm worked up or ready to give up because then everyone tries to act fake and pretend to be here for you

When in all reality they dont care they just dont want you raining on their happy parade

"Novody gives two shits about me" I whispered to myself

Hours upon hours I stayed in my room avoiding everybody.. even gray

I didnt know how to tell him that my mind wonders back to ethan and that I still miss him more and more by the second

But it was hard to convince myself to move on from him

Somethings have to change I guess and it's for the better

The ceiling began to move in a weird circle motion and I began to feel dizzy

So I quickly sat up and shoved my head into my legs

"I think you need someone to talk to" a familiar voice called from my doorway

My head rushed up and I was shocked by who I saw

"Holy shit, amber when did you get here?" My heart began to race of excitement

She rushed over to me and wrapped her arms around my torso

"I missed you and I heard about how you've been holding up.. and your not looking so hot" her breath put chills down my spine

Once we pulled apart her face went from happy to see me to full on therapist

"So let's talk tell me what's wrong" she folded her hands in her lap

We spent the whole night talking about my problems and she cleared up alot of things for me

Along with opening my eyes up to me being aloud to have feelings for someone and not feel shitty about it

"Talk to ethan and figure out what happened" her hand reached my shoulder

I nodded in agreement and stood up walking over to my phone that was charging

"Hey can I have a minute" i politely asked her

She didnt say anything but left the room and closed the door behind her

I waited and waited but he didnt answer my calls

So after a few more tries I gave up and left a voice mail

"Thanks for not answering me, I just wanted to ask if you have time to meet me at the beach tonight... at our spot at least. Call me back please e" my voice sounded like I was begging him

But I didnt have time to act any other way i basically had to beg for everything anymore

My body began to ache from moving so much the past couple of days

Amber was asleep on the couch while I sat there watching my phone like a hawk hoping for ethan to respond

I looked over at amber who was fully covered with a throw blanket

She was my best friend and yet I couldnt bring myself to tell her everything

What I told her was just the boy drama not the whole story and reasoning behind why it's happening

I felt alone with everything and I couldn't understand why

I have all these amazing people offering help but I dont know how to talk to others

My brain felt scattered just like my heart

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