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(Ethans P.O.V. )

As me and peyton where watching TV I noticed she had fallen asleep pretty fast

So I carefully picked her up and carried her to my room so she could sleep on my bed instead of the hard couch

Once I made it up the stairs and into my room I placed her down and covered her with a light blanket since it was really hot out

I closed my door a little leaving a small crack so I could easily check up on her

"Hey" I heard a whisper coming from behind me

My body jumped before responding to the voice

A girl stood in front of me with brown hair and blue eyes, she was around peytons height maybe a few inches taller

"Um.. hey?" I said back

She covered her smile before letting out a small laugh

"I'm katherine you must be ethan" she put her hand out for me to shake

I put on a fake smile and shook her hand

"Yeah that's me" I gave her a fake laugh

"So who are you?" I ask her

She rolled her eyes like she expected me to know who she was

"Well I'm graysons girlfriend" she crossed her arms

I looked up to see grayson leaning up against his doorway

"No your not" he said

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously because I hated being in these situations with him

Everytime I'm happy or someone is and he doesnt have what we have he always gets wasted and messes with 20 different girls every night

"Dude for real your doing this again" I sternly pointed out

He huffs and makes his way towards me

"Look man I'm single okay I can do whatever and whoever I want" he started to grab the girls arm and lead her downstairs to the door

"Well thanks for the hookup see you.. um never" he basically slammed the door in her face and made his way to the kitchen

I was shocked graysone was just this sweet guy yesterday and now he is a total dick

I made my way downstairs and followed behind him into the kitchen

"So you and peyton are okay?" He asked me

He almost sounded upset about it I noticed how his eyes avoided having eye contact with me

"Yes we are, we are starting over" I told him

He gave me a forced smile and then faced the fridge

I felt bad for the kid I mean he only messes with girls he never actually tries to find someone he might actually like

"Well I'm gonna head back up to my room. See ya later bro" I pat his back while making my way back to my room

As I slowly close my door trying not to make any noise so I dont wake peyton up

I notice that she was really peaceful in her sleep

I almost didnt want to get in bed with her just become of how she looked, she was cuddling a pillow and she was snoring a bit

I will admit it was kind of adorable

I smiled while trying to replace the pillow with me

But she wouldn't let go of the pillow so I climbed over her and laid on the opposite side of her and went to bed with her

(Peyton's P.O.V. )

My eyes were slowly opening and I had completely forgotten to tell my grandma where I was

My heart was starting to race I didnt know where my phone was and a million thoughts had been racing my mind

"Shes probably worried" I whispered to myself

I slowly got up and I noticed my phone on the floor next to my purse

Once I made my way over to it I saw that it was already 4 in the morning

Holy shit I slept the whole day away

I was left in shock but I sent a quick text letting nana know that I was fine and not to worry

I knew she wouldn't see it at the moment but I knew she would when she woke up

"Babe what are you doing" ethans raspy voice made me jump a little

I shot up and started to make my way to the bed

"Just texting my grandma to let her know I'm fine" I mumbled

He was still half asleep and im pretty sure he didnt hear a word I said

"Ok baby" he muttered I could hardly hear him since his face was inside of a pillow

I laughed while getting comfterable in bed again

It was hard to fall back asleep so I ended up staring at the ceiling for a whole

And it wasn't bad until the thoughts came and started to worry me

What happens if he is still here and he knows where I am what happens if kiara is still paying him and he will attack me again

I was so scared of all the what ifs and what's going to happen when I go back home

I dont want to be alone, I need to be with Ethan he makes me feel safe and without him I'm a mess

My body began to toss and turn while that moment kept replaying in my head

So i decided to find one of ethans books and stay up to read

I never thought i would result to reading but i guess if this helps me forget at least for a little bit then I'll do it

So I spent all morning reading waiting for ethan to wake up but I knew that it would be for at least a few more hours so I guess I'll just be reading

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