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(Ethans P.O.V. )

My anger was building bit by bit and my thoughts just kept on racing about who did this to peyton and why did kiara pay them to

I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as I ran out of the hospital and into the parking lot

"Fuck where did I park" I said to myself

My eyes kept scanning through the cars until I found mine

Once I made it into the car, I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and called Kiara

"Hello darling what's wrong?" She sounded sketchy

"What's wrong? Your going to tell me what the fuck you did to peyton" I began to shout

A small laugh came from her mouth

"I didnt do anything to peyton but warn her to stay away from you but she didnt listen. I had to do something" her voice sounded happy

I bawled my hands into fists and punched the steering wheel

"So you paid someone to RAPE her are you fucking insane?!" My voice continued to get louder but then I realized that people where around me getting into their cars so I started to lower my voice

"Meet me at my place and we can talk" she stated

"No at the café, I dont trust you" i said back

"Fine." She huffed

"I'll be there in 20 minutes" she added before hanging up

This is all my fault

This would have never happened if I just would have listened to peyton when she tried to explain about what happened with grayson and I should have never let Kiara kiss me

The drive to the café was quiet and long but once I got there everything felt like a movie gone wrong

Right when I got out of the car and into the place I glanced over and saw her sitting in a booth watching me

"Hey hun" she smiled

My eyes rolled

"Let's talk" I didnt come here to play games I needed answers

"About what?" She acted all confused

"Just tell me why you paid a guy to do that, please that's all I want to know" i began to almost beg

She laughed

"I like it when you beg, but I guess I can tell you. I only did it because she was in the way of us getting back together baby, I know she was only a distraction from me" she covered her smile with her hand

The sad part was that she wasn't fully lying, peyton was a distraction but after a while I did start to truly like her

"So when she didnt listen to my first warning I went to her house and warned her again, but I figured she wouldn't listen so I just had to make my point" she added on

My leg kept on shaking as my patients level kept going down

"Your crazy" I said

"You dont think I know that" she added

A weird smile grew on her face

"Look she doesnt deserve you, I do baby we belong together why cant you see that" she tried to touch me with every chance she got but I kept moving my hand away from hers

"No just stop it. We were never even really a thing and we will never be one so just leave" my frustration was calming down

She folded her hands in her lap and looked at the table with empty eyes

"Fine, I'll leave I have a flight back home tomorrow morning anyways" she started to motion her way out of the seat

I started to feel bad but she was the one who was in the wrong she started this whole mess

"Well I guess I'll see you later" she softly said

I watched as she left and got into her car

All of a sudden I got a text from grayson telling me to come back to the hospital

(Peyton's P.O.V. )

My eyes slowly opened to see gryason on his phone while ethan was no where in sight

"Hey" my voice cracked a little

I saw graysons head shoot up and give me a small smile

"Hey you! I'm glad your up" he said

My checks started to burn up I tried to hide my face

"Your so cute when your blushing" he joked

"Shut up you ass" I joked back

He gave me a small laugh before getting up to kiss my forehead

"When your released from the hospital tomorrow can I take you out to dinner?" His voice sounded shaky like he was nervous

I froze, I wanted to say yes but I couldn't stop thinking about ethan and what would happen to us

Yeah I mean were not together anymore and all but a part of me wants him again i miss him

"So what do you say?" Gray said interrupting my thoughts

I shook my head refocusing on reality

"Um sure I would like that" I told him

He smiled

"I'll be right back I'm going to get you some jello" he started to leave

I smiled while closing my eyes again trying to go back to sleep until I hear the curtain open

"How are you feeling" a deep voice made me jump

Once I looked in front of me I saw ethan standing with his arms crossed and a sad look on his face

I rolled my eyes

"Why do you care ethan seriously" I slowly sat up

"Look I took care of kiara okay shes leaving tomorrow and everything is done with so can we please just start fresh" he sounded sincere like he actually ment it for once

My eyes avoided his

"Why ethan so you can just cheat on me and hurt me again" I crossed my arms

He rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of the bed

"Peyton I'm sorry I really am, i love you and i never wanted to hurt you. You are my world and I cant stand not being with you, so please can we just start over and make things right" his words hit me like a truck

I was starting to get confused with how I felt, i mean i love ethan too he was my everything but my feelings were slowly growing for grayson and I couldn't stop it

"Ethan.. I dont know right now, can I at least think about it?" I gently asked

He closed his eyes and nodded his head

"Yes you can just let me know when your ready" he looked into my eyes and gave me a smile

"Thank you E" I said

He nodded while getting up and making his way over to the chair next to the bed

"I'm back" graysons smile faded when he saw Ethan

"Hey bro" ethan said

Graysin nodded then looked back at me

"Here is your jello" he handed me the red jello with a small smile

"Thanks" I gave him a smile back

"Well now that ethan is here i think I'm gonna head out so I can get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow okay"

I nodded my head while watching him leave

Great now I'm alone with ethan...

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