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(Peyton's P.O.V.)

The bright lights in the room hurt my eyes as I tried to open them

I heard someone snoring but didnt think anything of it at first so I just chose to ignore it

My eyes had been blurry for a few minutes so I just closed them again until they were clear

When I opened them revealing a bright room with the TV turned onto the news I glanced over to see grayson looking uncomfortable in two chairs trying to sleep

I let out a small laugh before tapping his leg which was hanging off the chair

It took a few hard taps but he eventually woke up giving me a wide smile

"Good morning sleeping beauty" he said in a raspy voice

"I should be saying that to you" I laughed

Everything was sore but I didnt feel anything when I was talking to grayson it felt like everything stopped

"How are you feeling?" He sounded genuine

I looked away from him and felt my smile fade

"Not great" my voice cracked a little

He placed his hand over mine which caused me to smile again

"Everything will be alright, what where you doing driving out when it was pouring pey?" His curiosity scared me

I didnt think I should tell him the truth because I didnt want him thinking that this was his fault

But I also dont want to lie to him about anything anymore

"..well me and ethan got into a fight and I saw kiara there in one of his sweatshirts and.. and he forgave her gray, he forgave the person that hurt me" i couldn't take it anymore

How could someone i love hurt me so badly

"I saw her when i was on my way here.. but that still doesnt tell me what happened to you" he kept on pushing the subject

"I was driving to the airport I wanted to leave until some guy began to ride my ass and I break check him which made him stop for a minute then he got in front of me and did the same.. and well i dont remember much after that" I lied

Of course I remember the car flipped upside down and I got thrown onto the ceiling of my car

"So you were just going to leave? Just like that" he began to sound angry with me

"Gray do-"

"No peyton stop you where going to leave over something stupid? Kiara has been ethans best friend since I can remember and yea okay she did one stupid thing but your fine so what the hell dont be stupid" his voice was basically screaming at me

My heart shattered, what just happened.. he was just fine a few seconds ago why is he on her side too

It's like she loves seeing me lose everything I care about

"Why are you acting like this" I softly ask him

He shakes his head stands up and storms out of the room

Once the door slams shut I brake down and cry, I try to cry silently so no one could hear me

After an hour of crying I looked around for my phone and I couldn't find it so I pressed the button to call a nurse

"Yes?" The nurse asked as she walked into my room

"Um.. sorry to be a bother but can I use your phone?" I tried to sound polite

She gave me a hesitant smile before giving me her phone

As I went to her contacts I dialed my friend Amber's number and called her

"Hey bitches its amber sorry I'm a bit busy at the moment so leave a message that I wont care to look at"

I hung up after the message and I called tyler



"Hey ty its peyton, I'm at the hospital and I need you to sign me out and take me home if that's not a problem"

Tyler sounded stressed already so i felt bad for asking him to do me a favor

"Yea but what about grayson he is your emergency contact" he sounded confused

"I'll tell you when you get here" I say before hanging up the phone and giving it back to the nurse

I watched as she left, technically you cant leave unless the doctor says you can but i dont give a shit right now i just want to get out of Los Angeles and go back to Florida to my aunt and my bestfriend

Everything here it just sucks

Hours passed as tyler didnt show up and I laid in this stupid hospital bed wondering if anything good will come my way

Or if anything at all would happen to me other than getting ruined here

More hours had passed and i have almost been at this hospital for a full day

Still no sign of Tyler and no sign of anyone

"Okay peyton we will release you tomorrow if you seem to be any better" i jumped at the sound of the doctors voice

Once I looked at him I tried to put on a smile but it was hard

"Okay.. great" I sounded bummed but I was actually happy to leave

As I watched them leave I flopped back and watched the lights on the ceiling flicker and I quickly doze off

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