Chapter 9

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A few days before eighteenth birthday Amarédasse was in a meeting with another young god who had been sent to her as a potential husband by her uncle, Zeus, and was bored out of her wits.* By this time, all of her brothers and sisters had fallen in love and had gotten married* and all of them, save for her eldest brother Triton,* were now ruling over their own domains while she remained in her parents' palace. "I promise you this sweet Amarédasse, if you take me to be your husband, keep my bed forever warm, and to serenade me with your beautiful voice, then I will grant you whatever your heart desires," the young god declared as Amarédasse just looked at him with a bored look on her face as she rolled her eyes.* "You and every other god and merman that my hardheaded and selfish uncle has sent to try and woo me," Amarédasse said spitefully for she could tell that he, like all the rest, only wanted her only for her physical appearance and for the fact that her father was King of the Seas, instead of the person she was on the inside.

While Amarédasse dealt with her unwanted suitor, her parents, along with her eldest brother Triton and his wife, Libya, waited outside with her uncles, Zeus and Hades,* to see if she liked him or not. "Poseidon, I promise you that your daughter will fall in love with this suitor," Zeus declared to his brother filled with confidence. "Zeus, that's what you said about the last one," Poseidon said doubtfully. "He also said that about the last two hundred and seventy-three suitors he brought in," remarked Hades.

At that moment the doors to Amarédasse's chambers flew open and the young god stormed out disheveled and furious. "Lord Poseidon, Lady Shea, I wish you both luck in marrying her off, because that daughter of yours is a royal pain," the young god told them angrily as he left the palace. "Well make that two hundred and seventy-four suitors in a row," Hades said laughing. "Looks like Amarédasse has set a new record Father," Triton said with an amused smirk on his face as he looked at his little sister's handiwork. "You can make a joke out of this all you want Triton however, you will not get a laugh out of me," Amarédasse said as she came out of her room and glared angrily at her brother before turning her attention over to her least favorite uncle. "Uncle Zeus," Amarédasse started off in a calmly manner. "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU? I WILL NOT MARRY SOMEONE I DON'T LOVE," Amarédasse asked as she yelled angrily at Zeus before she hurled a large amount of magic at him.* "Apparently dear niece, you have already told him exactly three hundred and eighty-three times as of yesterday," Hades answered rather amused. "Thank you, Uncle Hades," Amarédasse said as she turned around and returned to her chambers and slammed the doors.

After both Zeus and Hades had left, Poseidon and Shea went to check on Amarédasse. Once they opened the doors to their daughter's chambers they found Amarédasse sulking miserably on her bed. "Mother, Father, please don't tell me that you're going to make me apologize to Uncle Zeus, because he should know by now that he cannot control me," Amarédasse said as she sat up and faced her parents. "No Amarédasse, your father and I just came to check on you and see if you are alright," Shea said as she sat down next to her daughter. "Also, on a personal note, I can recall a number of times I wished I had done something like that to your uncle," Poseidon admitted as Shea looked at her husband knowing what he meant by that. "I just wish he would stop doing this to me, because I want to be in love when I get married like all of my brothers and sisters were, and like you were," Amarédasse stated as she looked at both of her parents. "Amarédasse that's all we want for you too," said Shea. "It's true Amarédasse, all your mother and I want is for you to be happy," said Poseidon.

"But Father, how can I meet the one person I'm destined to be with if I am forever a prisoner in my own home?" Amarédasse asked her father. "I'm almost eighteen and I've never been outside the barrier, save for Olympus, all I'm asking is that you allow me to explore the world outside the barrier please, even if it's just for one day." At that moment, Poseidon and Shea realized what their youngest daughter wanted. "No Amarédasse, it is not safe for you to go outside the barrier, we have told you this a thousand times," Poseidon said as he gave his daughter one of his stern looks. "Amarédasse, I'm in agreement with your father it is way too dangerous," said Shea. "Why do you always say that? I can take care of myself I'm not a baby anymore,*" Amarédasse said angrily as she ran out of the room in order to go and cool off in the library with her favorite book as her Aunt Athea and Aphrodite entered the room upon hearing the commotion.

"I'm going to guess that Amarédasse's request to explore the world outside the barrier has been denied, again," said Athea. "That and she drove away another suitor that Zeus had arranged for her to meet, again," Poseidon told his sister. "Poseidon, Athea, Aphrodite, and I have been talking," Shea said worried about how her husband would react. "About what?" asked Poseidon. "Poseidon, maybe it's time we trusted Amarédasse with the truth," said Shea. "Shea are you saying that we should tell our daughter about the prophecy?" Poseidon asked thinking that his wife, his sister, and his children's godmother had lost their minds.* "Poseidon, Shea is right and no matter how much you want to deny it, Amarédasse is not a little girl anymore, she is a young woman," said Aphrodite. "I'll think about it," Poseidon said as he left the room in order to tend to his duties. "Even I can tell that my brother has some letting go issues," said Athea.

*Yes, Zeus is interfering with his niece's love life, much to her and her father's dismay, and also who wouldn't be bored with that.

*I also did a lot of research on who Poseidon's children married, however since some of the records weren't clear I mainly used the names of the first spouses that came up and one I had to make up.

*Obviously since he is Poseidon's first-born son and principle heir.

*Yeah she is smart enough to know that he doesn't truly love her for herself.

*In case you guys are wondering Hades is just there for the show that is about to happen.

*Unlike the rest of the Gods, Amarédasse is not afraid to stand up to Zeus and speak her mind.

*Yeah it's obvious that Amarédasse has become a teenager and she has become rather rebellious.

*He doesn't want to face the fact that his daughter isn't a little girl anymore and he is being stubborn.

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