Part Three: The Meeting of Two Souls and the Early Signs of True Love Chapter 12

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Once Amarédasse had finished reading all of the books on Corinth, she decided to browse the library a little bit more when she came across a copy of her favorite book on one of the shelves. "I can't believe they have it," Amarédasse thought to herself as she reached out to grab it. However, the minute Amarédasse's hand touched the book, she felt and saw another hand touch hers. Amarédasse then turned to where the hand came from and at that moment her eyes laid upon a handsome young man, who appeared to be around her age, with dark brown hair, sea-green eyes, and a fair complexion.

"Oh, I'm so sorry miss I didn't see you there," said the man. "No, I'm sorry sir I didn't see you there either," Amarédasse said rather shyly as her face turned red.* "No really, I was just reaching for my favorite book, since I have read every other book in the library," the young man explained rather shyly and embarrassed.* "This is your favorite book?" Amarédasse asked rather shocked and surprised.* "Yes it is, why do you ask?" the young man asked. "Because it's my favorite book as well," Amarédasse said smiling. "Really, I've never met anyone who loves books and reading as much as I do, and I've certainly never met you before," the young man stated as he and Amarédasse gazed into each other's eyes.

"Neither have I, and I've never been here before," Amarédasse said as she felt her heart beat rapidly. "Well then, you wouldn't mind if a simple man like myself shows a beautiful and unique girl like yourself around the Kingdom of Corinth?" the young man asked in a charming manner. "I see that there is nothing simple about you at all, and I would love that very much," Amarédasse said giggling. With that Amarédasse left the library holding hands with the young man she had met.

For the rest of the day, Amarédasse toured Corinth with the young man and as they got to know each other they learned that they had a great deal in common with one another. Once they reached the palace garden, Amarédasse spotted four little girls playing together and saw the young man smile and wave at them. "Do you know those little girls?" Amarédasse asked curiously. "Yes, they are my little sisters, Niada, Arethousa, Delphina, and Halette,*" the young man said as he pointed each of them out. "Are they your only siblings?" Amarédasse asked. "I have a younger brother as well, but he is probably with our parents right now," answered the young man. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?" "Yes, I have nine older siblings, five brothers and four sisters. I'm the youngest," Amarédasse answered. "Wow, I can't imagine having that many siblings," the young man said when he noticed that his sisters playing had started to get a little ruff. "Will you excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back," the young man said as he ran off to see what the fuss was about.

After the young man had left, Amarédasse noticed that the sun was about to go down. "Oh no, how did it get so late," Amarédasse said to herself. Knowing that her parents would be home soon, Amarédasse began to quickly make her way back to the beach. Once the young man had returned to the spot where he had left Amarédasse with his sisters, she was already gone. "Alexander," Delphina said as she looked up at her older brother. "Where did that pretty lady go?" "I don't know? I don't even know her name," Alexander said knowing that just like Amarédasse he had fallen in love.

*True love at first sight is so romantic.

*It's bad for both of them.

*Just a little head's up, until now most of the men she has met were pretty much idiots.

*Once again, they were mentioned from oldest to youngest.

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