Part Five: True Love Conquer's All Chapter 21

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The next day, Amarédasse sat down in her chambers with Hebe and Makaria, and she told them about everything that had happened yesterday. "So, the reason why your parents have kept you locked up in your own home your entire life, is because of a prophecy that states that you are destined to save your father's realm from evil forces?" Hebe asked her cousin in order to make sure that she had all the facts straight first. "Apparently, yes Hebe it is the reason," Amarédasse said forlornly. "Amaré, how do you know for sure that the paintbrush Aunt Athea gave you will really create a portal?" Makaria asked Amarédasse as she stared at the paintbrush in her hands. "Well, there is only one way to find out," Amarédasse said as she stood up and walked towards the wall.

Once she was standing at a bare portion of her wall, Amarédasse then closed her eyes and, as she glided the paintbrush across the wall, she began to think about Corinth. Immediately, to Amarédasse's amazement, the paintbrush's magic began to work and soon enough once she was finished a completed painting of Corinth appeared before her. As Amarédasse showed Makaria and Hebe everything she had seen, she touched the painting and her hand instantly went through it. "Hebe, Makaria, look it really does work like a portal," Amarédasse said smiling. "Amarédasse, are you sure about this?" Hebe asked already knowing what her cousin was thinking about doing. "I am, don't worry I'll be back soon," said Amarédasse. And with that, Amarédasse then closed her eyes and stepped through the painting which transported her back to Corinth.

When Amarédasse opened her eyes, she saw that she was now near the waterfall where Alexander had taken her the other day. "Amaré, is that really you?" a familiar voice asked as Amarédasse turned around and saw Alexander running up towards her. "Alexander, I'm so happy to see you," Amarédasse said as Alexander took her into his arms in a loving embrace. "I see that you're still wearing the medallion that I gave you," Alexander said as he eyed the medallion around Amarédasse's neck. "I haven't taken it off, since you gave it to me," said Amarédasse. "Why is it that you seem to appear and then disappear so suddenly like magic?" Alexander asked curiously. "If I told you, I doubt that you would believe me," said Amarédasse. Respecting her privacy, Alexander just left it at that and both he and Amarédasse went off to spend another day together and he even introduced her to his younger sisters and brother, who immediately took a liking to the woman who had won their older brother's heart and treated her as if she was their older sister. When it came time for Amarédasse to return home, she said good-bye to Alexander and promised him that he would see her again tomorrow. Amarédasse then found a stone wall that was hidden by ivy, and she used her paintbrush to paint a picture of her room, and the minute she stepped through it she was back home.

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