Chapter 13

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Once Amarédasse had arrived back home she went to her chambers where she spent the evening telling Hebe and Makaria all about her adventure in the human kingdom of Corinth. "Amaré, tell us about Corinth again and don't you dare leave out a single detail," Makaria said full of wonder and excitement. "Makaria, Hebe, you both should have seen it. All of the shops, the temples, the library, the village, the palace, and do you know what the best part was?" Amarédasse said as she looked back on the day she had. "I meet someone special." "Really Amarédasse, who did you meet?" Hebe asked filled with curiosity. "When I was in the library I reached for a copy of my favorite book when all of the sudden I felt another hand touch mine, and when I turned around I saw the handsomest man I had ever seen," Amarédasse said as her heart raced at the thought.* "We spent the whole day together, he showed me around Corinth and as we got to know each other we learned that we have a lot in common and he is kind and strong. The best thing about him is that he treated me like a person with kindness and respect and as an equal, and not like a princess or a goddess.*"

"So Amarédasse, what was his name?" Hebe asked her cousin for she was happy that her cousin had finally found true love. "I don't know, I guess I forgot to ask," Amarédasse said upon the realization. "However, I don't recall ever telling him my name, which means he likes me for myself and not for my bloodline. Not only does he not know that I am a princess and a goddess, but he doesn't even know that Corinth's patron god is my father." "Oh Amaré, we are so happy for you," Makaria said joyfully as she hugged her cousin. "When do you think you will go back?" Hebe asked as she joined in. "Maybe tomorrow, I can visit again," Amarédasse exclaimed happily. Before Makaria and Hebe left to return to their homes in Olympus and the Underworld, Amarédasse made them both promise that they wouldn't tell anyone, not even their own families, about what she had told them. For she knew how her father would react to the fact that she had willingly disobeyed both himself and her mother.* After her cousins had left, Amarédasse went to sleep and dreamt about the day she had with her true love.

Meanwhile, as the sun was setting, Alexander, who had spent most of the evening searching for Amarédasse, was walking up to the palace gates, when one of the guards approached him and bowed. "Good evening, Your Highness," the guard said for Alexander was the Crown Prince of Corinth.* "Good evening," Alexander replied as he entered the grounds of the palace. "Whoa," Alexander cried as he saw a stray arrow fly right past him. "Audronicus," Alexander said as he caught sight of his little brother. "I think I almost got a bulls-eye with that one," Audronicus said happily. "Except for the fact that I'm not a target. I have to speak with Mother and Father, but I will help you practice later," Alexander said as he left his little brother smiling.

Once Alexander had reached the palace throne room he was greeted warmly by his parents, King Melentius and Queen Irenea. "Alexander, my son," Queen Irenea said when she saw her first-born child. "Hello, Mother," Alexander said as he greeted his mother. "Alexander, have you found the young maiden who arrived in Corinth today? Your mother and I wish to welcome her," asked King Melentius. "No Father, I haven't she just vanished into thin air and my men and I have searched through all of Corinth," Alexander said sadly. "Could this girl really be a nymph or an evil sorceress?" asked Queen Irenea. "Mother, I highly doubt it for she is very kind and I can tell that she is a pure maiden," said Alexander. "Are you going to keep searching for her?" Queen Irenea asked her son in wonder. "Yes Mother, I am going to continue my search for I must see her again," Alexander said his voice filled with passion and determination. "Well then, keep searching for her my son for as long as it takes," King Melentius said once he had realized that his son had fallen in love with the mysterious girl. "Thank you Father," Alexander said as he left his parents and returned to his chambers for the night. As Alexander slept that night he hoped that one day soon, he would see Amarédasse again.

*I think it's pretty much obvious that she has fallen head-over-heels in love. Who wouldn't when you have finally met someone who loves you for who you are on the inside.

*Truthfully that is what every girl wants a guy to do.

*Unfortunately, secrets like this do not stay secret for long.

*Yes, I know big shocker and in case you're wondering Alexander is nineteen while Amarédasse is only two days short of being eighteen.

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