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A new Golden Age had arrived and everything was changing. Through the power and loving heart of the Sea Princess, Amarédasse, Moira had been defeated. Her dark shadow over Poseidon's realm had been lifted, but what happens to those who were able to survive the darkness? No one is able to change the past and undue the mistakes that were made, however one can learn from those mistakes and avoid making them in the future. After Megara's spell book had been destroyed and the prophecy had come to pass the barrier surrounding Poseidon's palace had been removed, and those who had been under Moira's control were not only forgiven from the acts they had committed, but they were also reunited with their friends and family after so many years apart.

As the days went by, the children of the ocean and the humans began to slowly trust one another once more, and humans and merfolk started to treat one another as friends and equals. For they had learned from the mistakes of the past and of Megara's reign and that in order to maintain peace and prosperity they must treat each other the way that one would like to be treated, and that if one does not learn from the mistakes of history then they would be doomed to repeat them. Once peace and prosperity between both worlds was reestablished, humans and merfolk began to once again live side-by-side one another again on friendly terms and it wasn't long before the magical day came. When Amarédasse, the Princess of the Seas and Savior of both humans and merfolk, married, the now immortal, Prince Alexander of Corinth.

Everyone, gods, humans, merfolk, and all living creatures, was in attendance which symbolized the peace and unity that the two lovers brought along with their marriage. And when King Melentius' reign came to an end and Alexander had succeeded his father as King of Corinth, Amarédasse was crowned alongside him as his queen and co-ruler.* "By the immortal and divine power invested in me. I hereby crown you, Alexander, with my eternal blessing, as King of Corinth and the Keeper of Peace between both humans and merfolk. So that you may rule over your kingdom for eternity with kindness and wisdom," Poseidon declared as he crowned his son-in-law. "By the immortal and divine power invested in me. I hereby crown you, Amarédasse, with your father Poseidon's eternal blessing, as Queen of Corinth and the Keeper of Peace between both humans and merfolk. So that you may rule over your kingdom, alongside your husband, for eternity with kindness and wisdom," Shea declared as she crowned her daughter symbolizing her position as her husband's equal. With that, Amarédasse, the daughter of Poseidon, became a ruler that no human had ever seen or had before. With Alexander and Amarédasse's reign the Golden Age returned to both the humans and the merfolk, and they ruled their realm together as equals for many years. In the same fair, just, and firm manner that Amarédasse's parents had ruled their realm for ages, and they had many children who also became rulers in their own right. And when the time came for both Alexander and Amarédasse to take up residence in Olympus, they passed their throne down to their eldest son who passed it down to his own children and so on. And they all lived happily ever after.

The End!

*In other words, she rules alongside his as an equal and not just his consort.

Amarédasse, Daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now