Chapter 24

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Once the young couple entered the ballroom, Amarédasse noticed that everyone had stopped dancing and that they were now staring at both her and Alexander. "Alexander, everyone is looking at you," whispered Amarédasse. "Actually Amaré, I believe that everyone is looking at you," replied Alexander. "His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince Alexander of Corinth and his companion for the evening," a herald proclaimed to the surprise of Amarédasse* as Alexander guided her over to the dance floor. As the couple danced to the music everyone watched in amazement at Amarédasse's graceful movements and precision and they even smiled with happiness for they could see how much their prince had fallen in love with her.

Once the dance was over, Alexander and Amarédasse snuck away to another room of the palace in order to have a moment alone. "Alexander, you're the Crown Prince aren't you?" Amarédasse asked completely shocked. "Yes I am, King Melentius is my father. I didn't tell you, because I wanted you to like me for the person I really am on the inside," confessed Alexander. "Alexander, I understand and even if you were a plain common man I would still love you," Amarédasse said lovingly. "After all, you're not the only one who has been keeping secrets." "Amaré, what do you mean by that?" Alexander asked wondering what kind of secrets his beloved had been hiding from him.

Amarédasse then told Alexander about the prophecy in a way that still explained her birthmark, but at the same time kept her parentage a secret, and that she didn't want him to get involved out of fear that he might get hurt. "Amaré, my love, I want to help you," Alexander said determinedly. "No, Alexander you can't it's too dangerous," cried Amarédasse. "Too dangerous, yes, too dangerous for you to do it alone," Alexander said as he took Amarédasse into his arms insuring her that he was not going anywhere. "Alexander, I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you," Amarédasse said sadly. "Amaré, I feel the same way about you," Alexander said wholeheartedly and passionately. With those words being said, Alexander then drew Amarédasse closer towards him and the young lovers engaged into a loving and passionate kiss, before a large commotion interrupted them as they reentered the ballroom.

At that moment, the doors to the ballroom burst open and, just as Amarédasse expected, there stood Moira who was looking for her* as everyone in the ballroom panicked at the sight of the feared sea goddess. "I know you humans are hiding her so, either you hand her over or I'll..." Moira threatened before a stray spell hit her. "Or you'll do what Moira?" Amarédasse declared as she and Alexander, who, along with everyone else, was surprised and shocked at his beloved's magical abilities, walked up towards the vengeful sea goddess. "Well, the Princess of the Seas has once again emerged from her hiding place," Moira said in a rather mocking tone. "Princess?" Alexander thought as he could not believe what he had just heard. "I'm not afraid of you, Moira and its high time that you paid for your crimes against my family and my people," Amarédasse declared in a manner that was identical to her father's. "Little Amarédasse, what makes you think you can beat me?" Moira asked in a doubtful tone. "For I have two old friends who have decided to join me."

Immediately, Aphrodite and Athea entered the room, with Athea carrying Megara's spell book in her hands, to the astonishment of everyone for they recognized the two goddesses. "Aunt Athea, Aunt Aphrodite," Amarédasse said in a rather fake tone of surprise. "Yes, your father's dear sister and your dear godmother have decided to double-cross you," Moira said as Amarédasse turned her attention over to her aunt and her godmother. "Well, Aunt Athea, Aunt Aphrodite, I can see everything went according to plan,*" Amarédasse said rather pleased. "Indeed it did, after all my dear goddaughter you are a very clever young woman and we are both very proud of you," Aphrodite said rather proudly as Athea walked up quickly to Amarédasse. "Indeed we are and after all my dear niece, you know that would not make the same mistake in betraying my own brother twice," Athea said as she handed the spell book over to her niece. "YOU BOTH LIED TO ME?" Moira asked them both angrily at their betrayal. "All part of my plan to take you down, for good," said Amarédasse. Once Amarédasse had said those words, Moira attacked her however, she was able to shield herself with a counter spell that her father had taught her. "Hebe, Makaria, now," Amarédasse called out as the two young goddesses ran to aide their cousin so both she and her beloved could make their escape.

*I think any girl would be surprised if they found out that the guy they had fallen in love with was really a prince.

*She had a little help for the mermaid to human transformation.

*Yeah, she had Athea and Aphrodite make Moira believe that they were back on her side in order to get the spell book and get Moira to a place where her powers would be limited. In order for Athea to get the book, she lied to Moira by saying that some of Poseidon's guards had followed both her and Aphrodite so she suggested that they should take the book with them when they left for the ball to avoid the possibility of it being taken when in truth it was so she and Aphrodite could give the book to Amarédasse so she could destroy it. 

Amarédasse, Daughter of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now