CHAPTER 31: Brown and Red

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"There is really nothing I can do. I have no explanation." Rangnor Fell was a light blue color and was a little smaller than Magnus. He had the same color eyes and jet black hair.

"Well," Magnus said. "Do you know where Amber lives?"

Clary saw Rangnor's eyes twinkle. "Of course I do." He snapped his fingers and a pen and paper appeared in his hands. He wrote down something and handed it to Magnus "Room eighteen."

Magnus nodded and shoved the paper in his pocket. "Portal?" he asked.

Rangnor sighed and motioned for them to follow.


Clary landed on her feet in Love Park in Philadelphia. The sky was gloomy and snow was falling softly.

"She lives in the apartments over there." Magnus pointed to a tall apartment complex. "She is on floor eight, room eighteen."

Clary started walking and Jace pulled her to his side. She looked back at Jonathan carrying Simon, and Isabelle, Alec, and Magnus walking in a group of three. "Who's Amber?"

Jace shrugged. "I feel like I should know her, though."

Clary crossed her arms. "Two things," she said. "Thank you for rescuing me and I'm sorry for ruining your birthday."

She felt Jace chuckle. "Your welcome. You didn't ruin my birthday. You made it a hundred times better." He said, holding onto the ring she made him.

She smiled up at him and he leaned down, kissing her on her lips.

They pulled apart, walking across the street. Clary had a smile planted on her face.

* * *

Jace opened the door for the group and Clary hit the up button on the elevator, having a hard time getting used to the heat. Jace and Isabelle both stood on either side of her.

The elevator opened and they all hopped in.

This elevator moved slower then the one at the Institute. They were going to the eighth floor, but it felt like they were going to floor eighty.

When the door finally opened, Magnus lead the way out and to Amber's apartment. The door had a weird symbol on it, one she never saw.

Magnus knocked and a girl that was short opened the door. She had light brown hair, pale-ish skin, and dog like clear blue eyes. Clary sensed she was a werewolf, but the girl had Shadowhuntet runes. "Magnus Bane?" She smirked, looking at the others. "Came to asked Amber to fix your problems? Again? This is why we moved."

Magnus rolled his cat eyes, and looked her dead in the eyes. "Is she home?"

"Yeah." She turned to the others. "I'm Heather. Amber will explain anything you ask."

"I'm-" Jace started.

"I know who you are, Herondale." Have flinched. "You look like Will." She spun on her heel and went into her apartment, leaving the door open.

When Clary entered, it was a normal apartment at first. There was a hallway decorated with picture and when she entered into the living space, there was a coffee table and a coach and two recliners with a fireplace burning.

Then, when she got to the dinning room, it was weird. A pot boiled on the table and there were potion bottles scattered about. There were jars of eyeballs and spiders and rose petals and animal heads.

"Amber!" Heather screamed. "We have guests!"

Clary heard a door open and close and then a girl came into the dinning room. She was tall, as tall as Alec, and was very pale. She had red hair that reached just past her shoulders. She had runes, and she spotted one going from her right collar bone going up to her chin. A Parabatai rune. She had diamonds instead of color around her pupil.

"Hey, Magnus. Brought your friends I see?" She looked at Alec. "And your special friend." She winked.

Alec and Magnus blushed.

Amber giggled.

She walked over to the table and spoke in some ancient demon language, throwing rose petals into the pot.

She looked at Jonathan holding Simon. "What did you do now?"

"Nothing!" Magnus said.

"Heather, take everyone into the living room. Clear out the couch for Simon and I'll get my potions."

Heather nodded and motion for the group to follow. Magnus stayed behind.


This chapter is dedicated to my partner in crime, Heather A. Do you all mind that I added people that are not apart of TMI? Sorry if you don't like the idea.

Stay Classy,


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