Chapter Two: Sad But True

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        I knock lightly on Coulson's door, a loud voice coming from the inside. I'm instantly puzzled as I register the voice as female. I glance at Sam who shrugs his shoulders. I debate with myself. Finally I give into my curiosity and selfish needs. I open the door hesitantly, peeking inside. A tall, slender but muscular woman stands before Coulson. She tells him off, pacing and using her hands to emphasize her words.

        " Really?! Coulson! Do you think what I did was easy?! The amount of shit I went through for you! I was almost killed by one of your damn explosions! Keeping Hydra off my scent, keeping everything on the down low, THAT'S FUCKING HARD! Do you know how many times they almost fucking figured it out?! Do you know how many peop-" she stops her ranting, her eyes landing on me. She looks at me, eyes settling on my chest and arms. I cross my arms in front of me, feeling uncomfortable. She bites her lip, her eyes settling back on mine after a very detailed glance at me. "Damn. When you look that good in a shirt, why do you even wear one?" she asks. My jaw drops and my eyes go wide.

        "Uh, Captain Rogers? This is Agent Radcliff, she was one of our Hydra informants. Agent Radcliff that is-"

        "The infamous Captain Steven Grant Rogers." she purrs, walking closer to me. I put my arm out, to shake hands with her.

        "Ma'am." I say as she shakes my hand firmly.

        "Ooh. Charm. I like it." she says in a seductive tone. I become even more uncomfortable, my skin crawling. "Say Captain, how does heading back to my place for a little one on one time with those muscles sound?" she asks, raising an eyebrow, her green eyes glowing.

        "No thanks. I have a fiancee." I say plainly.

        "But she isn't here... is she?" she walks toward me, resting her hands on my chest. I back away from her. "She's in Hydra with your best friend. In fact, they're probably hooking up as we speak, both brain washed and not even knowing about their relationships with you and Liza. So why not just get over her? Forget her? She's never coming back to you anyways. Just give up on her and your pointless dream of having her back in your arms again. It's nothing but childish and path-"

        "Agent Radcliff! Stand down!" Coulson barks, making Sam jump behind us. She smirks at me, wrapping her long brown hair around her finger.

        "What? Steve is a big boy. He deserves to know the truth. And considering I was within Hydra and I have seen the brain washed zombies those agents become, you should just accept the true facts." she sneers. I bite the inside of my mouth, anger boiling inside of me.

        "Agent Radcliff, you are dismissed." Coulson says in a sharp tone.

         "Hey, it's sad but true. Come on Steve. You know that you want to hear what it's really like in their. You want to know every detail about how Jet and Bucky interact. Your brain is scrambling, trying to figure out every single detail that you want to know about her. I can help you out with that. Seriously, just swing by my place. You'll know where to find me-"

        "DISMISSED!" Coulson yells. She smirks again, laughing.

        "I'll see you later lover boy." she says in a low voice, walking out of the room and winking at Sam as she close the door behind her. I exhale the breath I didn't even know I had been holding.

        "Well. She's..." Sam says, trying to find the words to describe Agent Radcliff.

        "Blunt? To the point? Rude?" I offer.

        "I was going to say powerful, but those words work too." Sam agrees. Coulson sighs, running his hands over his face.

        "Radcliff always gives me the biggest headaches but she is one of our best undercover agents." he says into his hands. Her words still burn in my mind. Jet can't be gone. No. We got Bucky back once before, we can get Jet back. Right. Right...? Oh god. What if we can't? What if she really is gone fore-

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