Chapter Five: The Outlaw Torn

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        Okay I totally thought this was going to be so much easier than it actually is. We had been flying a total of about five minutes when everything started going very south, very quickly. The suit started to slow, and sputter. I drop to the ground just as it begins to peel off of me and start folding itself into the cube form. The cube drops in my hand, the sound of energy dying filling the air. Bucky stares at me as I slide my thumb over its surface. It releases three loud beeps and refuses to open. I try again, getting the same results: three loud beeps and its refusal to open. I get more and more frustrated as I try to open it multiple times.

        "No, no, no!! Don't do this to me!" I yell at it, rubbing my thumb over all of its sides. I groan loudly and give up, throwing it to the ground. I take in my surroundings, accepting that the journey will probably be on foot from here on out. We are standing in an empty field, nothing but tall grasses surrounding us. I groan, stop my foot, and take off in the direction of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bucky follows me, his face full of confusion as he tries to work out his life. I sigh and keep walking, nothing but the sound of the tall grasses brushing up against our legs filling the air. There's no signs of civilization anywhere. No roads, houses, buildings, or even a mile marker or telephone pole. I know we are going in the right direction, it's just going to be a very long walk. We walk in silence, both of us to occupied with our own minds to talk to one another.

        After walking in silence for what seems like a forever and a half, Bucky starts asking questions.

        "So wait, this Steven Grant Rogers, he's my, echm, yah know..." he clears his throat and locks his eyes on mine. I burst out laughing as Bucky laughs nervously with me, his eyes darting from side to side.

        "Don't flatter yourself big boy. He's my fiancé," I explain, "he's your best friend."

        "Oh.... OH! Oh we totally made out right in front of him. Oh god. He's going to kill me!! I made out with my best friend's fiancée. Oh my gosh." he exclaims. I bite my lip and nod in agreement.

        "I know. That will make for a very awkward reunion." I comment, focusing on the land in front of us.

        "Very. So, I'm single then?" he questions.

        "Liza hunny. You have Liza." I tell him. I swear he hits his forehead with his hand so hard that you could hear the impact from a mile away.

        "Oh yeah! Duh! Whoa, how could I forget Liza like that?! Oh my she's gonna murder me. Oh god, Jet! Don't make me go find her alone. She'll kill me!!" Bucky worries. I smile, the thought of Liza chewing him out floating through my mind. A chuckle escapes my lips and quickly escalates to a full on laugh. "What?! What's so funny?!" he exclaims, freaking out. I laugh even harder, my stomach aching.

        "Oh nothing." I lie, still picturing Liza punching and hitting him as she screams her head off at him. Bucky finally allows himself to laugh, his warm chuckle filling the air. Our laughter is cut off by the sound of guns. We drop to the ground and look behind us. There's a line of Hydra agents marching towards us in a cool manner. I jump back up to my feet and take off in a quick sprint. Bucky sprints next to me, glancing back every few steps at the agents. A small building appears over the horizon. I keep my gaze locked on it and sprint even harder. It feels like my feet are just barely touching the ground and adrenaline is coursing through my veins, pushing me even harder. I draw the gun from my waistband and turn around to face the agents. I begin backpedaling and I raise the gun. I fire a sing round, the agents diving in different directions to dodge my bullet. I smile and turn back in the right direction. The building comes even closer to us as we continue sprinting. My legs and chest are burning but I'm running for my life so I really don't care. I put the last of my energy and effort into the final 100 dash to the building that I now realize is a barn. We finally reach it and throw open the doors.

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