Chapter Twenty Eight: Breadfan

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        My head pounds, agents yelling around me. I have the faintest idea that I'm on a stretcher, my skin on fire, an unbearable pain searing on every inch of my body. My chest aches horribly, my breathing is limited. I feel my head lifted slightly, an oxygen mask being placed around my head and on my face. I try to remember what happened, what got me to this state but I can't. In fact, when ever I try to think about it, the pounding in my head only gets worse. I can't remember what happened at all. It's almost as if whatever I did to cause myself this much pain never even happened.

        "Ma'am can you hear me?" a man's voice asks. I somehow manage to nod, sending the skin on my neck on fire. I grit my teeth as my salty tears mix in with the burnt flesh of my cheeks. I will myself to open my eyes and look at the man. "We're going to take care of you okay? Just relax." He has the most beautiful blue eyes that seem to be filled with worry. His blond hair bounces slightly as he runs next to the stretcher. I grab his hand with mine, feeling as if it is only natural. I don't know why, but my instincts told me too. His eyes lock on mine and a sad smile plays across his lips. He rubs the back of my hand lightly with his thumb sending an overwhelming sense of safety and enjoyment through my body.

        "Steve, you're going to have to stay out here, she's slipping into a coma and we will need to get her on life support." The man takes his eyes from me to nod at the doctor. "Bucky, you too." I look to the man that runs beside him. Something itches at the back of my mind, those names so familiar. However the coma beats me too it. My eyes close against my own will. Only under the influence of my coma do I remember how I got here.

Steve's POV:

        Bucky and I pour our attention over a detailed map of Hydra's headquarters. We highlight and circle the easy ways in, the doors that tend to be unguarded or guarded poorly, and the hallways that have little to no traffic. Jet's room is circled in a red, thick line. We have found multiple ways too her, rendezvous points, and points where extreme caution and limited to none communications are required for our safety. Usually when Bucky went in a lone, none of this was required or needed. But now that Ill be going with him, the one person that they seem to despise the most with a pure burning hatred, much more is needed.

        Agent Radcliff tried to talk us out of this mission, threatening to tell Coulson and get our rights revoked but we have found a way to pursued her. Or, maybe force her to agree would be a better term. Yeah, she might be locked in Jet's old lab that was wiped out clean when she was captured. We wanted to ensure that everything of her's stayed safe and whole; no broken Iron Maiden suits are needed or any of the other technologies that she discovered and patented in that short period of time. Don't worry, we left same food and water and a book of Sudoku puzzles with a pencil for her.

        Bucky snuck into Hydra yesterday to get his hands on another Hydra uniform for my use on this mission. He has a Hydra Elite uniform, the one sleeved jacket that's tight and slimming with cargo pants and boots. I'm stuck in a training uniform that the beginner Hydra Elite wear. It contains black cargo pants with electric blue detailing (red detailing is only for Hydra Elite or higher Hydra positions), a black tank top and light weight combat boots. There's an electric Hydra symbol on the left over my heart. The reason why I'm in a training uniform is because the newer recruits of the season are beginning to be introduced and have started their training program. It would only make sense to see a Hydra Elite and a "crab" walking together throughout the halls of Hydra. The uniform fits me well I suppose, but it doesn't feel right. It feels as if it is nothing but a bad omen, a warning, a shout out into the void telling me to stand down and stay safe. I don't know why but I just can't seem to shake the feeling.

        The day drags on, our plan solidifying more and more with each and every passing second. Bucky heads back to his room to get dressed in his uniform and grab some of the communication devices that we'll need from Jet's files. Meanwhile, I head over to the armoury and grab some of the prototypes of the guns that Jet was working on before she was taken. They're a mix of titanium, vibranium, and a few other metals that she fused together in order for them to be undetectable to even the most sensitive of metal detectors. They're smart and deadly, just like the designer herself. I run my thumb over her initials, which she always imprints on anything that she invented.

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