Chapter Fourteen: For Whom the Bell Tolls

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        I practically sprint to the lab, my fingers itching to get into the archives and look at my mom's and dad's files. Agents curse and yell at me as I accidentally bump into them. I mutter a quick apology every time and keep running. I pass Clint and Nat in the shooting range, waving at them as I sprint. They nod back, loading bullets into magazines. My eyes fall on the lab, my curiosity exploding. I run my thumb over the scanner and enter the lab. I don't even bother to put on the lab coat or goggles. I just focus on getting to my computer. I slide onto my stool, more memories coming back to me. Some are from Hydra, others from S.H.I.E.L.D. I open my laptop and log in, scanning my thumb across the sensor. God, why does everything have to be thumb activated around here?!

        S.H.I.E.L.D.'s data base appears before me. I glance around the screen, trying to find a way to get into the archives. I finally find it and enter my code. It lets me in, hundreds of names popping up. I scroll down until I find Stark, Anthony Edward, Stark, Jet Alice, and Stark, Virginia "Pepper" Potts. I click on my profile. Instantly a box pops up, telling me I do not have clearance. I stare at the screen and enter an override code that Hydra taught me. A loud beep is sounded from my computer, making me jump back. What the hell?! I enter a few more override codes, each being rejected.

        "What the hell?!" I exclaim out loud this time. I angrily pound on the keys, trying to access my dad's file. The same message comes up, none of the override codes working. "Oh my god! Seriously?!"  I shouldn't need level 9 clearance to access my parents' files, let alone my own. Ugh I'm just one level short! What are they hiding?! I angrily shut the laptop, my curiosity surging and anger matching it. I groan loudly, filling the steady silence of the lab. I drop my head onto the work bench, my arms falling at the side of my bent over body.

        "Uh, Miss St-"

        "JESUS FUCKING OF CHRIST, WHAT THE HELL?!" I exclaim, my heart rate bursting, the stool flying out from under me. I take a defensive stance that was drilled into my mind by Hydra, my body ready to attack my threat. A semi- tallish girl with brown hair stands before me. I size her up, thinking through how I could take her down if she attacked. Her brown eyes are wide with fear, her petite hands gripping the wall behind her. "Who the fuck are you?!" I exclaim, not sure if she is here to hurt me, working for Loki, or just here because.... because... well I'm not really sure why else she would be here.

        "I'm.. I'm Jordan MacKay?" she says in a small voice.

        "Well Jordan, what are you doing here?" I say, walking closer to her, keeping my defensive stance. She tries to back up more, the wall restricting her movement.

        "I'm your intern." she admits, her hands slightly shaking. I relax my attack stance, Hydra draining out of my mind. She relaxes slightly too, her hands venturing away from the wall.

        "I never applied for an intern, so why are you here?" I ask bitterly, still fed up with the whole file thing.

        "I.. this just where Coulson told me to go... I'm sorry, I can just leave.." she says, walking toward the door. She slips out of the visitor's lab coat and takes off her other equipment. She grabs the door knob, opening the door slightly.

        "Wait." I say. She turns around to look at me, tears filling her eyes. "Hey whoa, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry. Let's just try this again okay?" I say in my nicest tone, something I haven't used in a while. "I'm Jet Alice Stark." I say, extending my hand out to her.

        "I'm Jordan Elena MacKay." she says, shaking my hand. I smile at her, which she returns instantly.

        "Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D. I guess." I say, not really knowing what I should say.

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