Chapter Thirty One: Devil's Dance

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Jet's POV

        It's been two, painful, long, tiring weeks. My skin is finally back to normal, the skin grafts not even seeming that much different from my normal skin. I've been working to regain my muscle mass and helping little agent 17 with his training. We've become quite close; I see him more as a little brother than anything. He helped me recover and in return I helped him train. He is so close to becoming Hydra Elite and I could not be any happier. Today is my first mission out into the field. It's not just any mission, it's the mission. Today, I will take out Captain America. It's been raining on and off all day, creating a dismal and dreary mood. I couldn't be happier though. Taking out that stupid Captain, the man who caused me so many burns and weeks of recovering, is now my only goal, and I plan to execute it with ease. I'm becoming so much stronger than I was before. Not physically, oh no not even close in that aspect, but mentally. I know just how to play out this death, how to make it personal and painful without even using a gun or any type of force.

        Here's the thing, I look like someone that he lost a few months ago. Rumors are that I even remind him of her. Her name was Jet, and he loved her. I don't remember much from the night when I was burned other than waking up in the hospital screaming in pain and begging for a shot of Morphine. I also remember the Captain being nothing but a jack-assed threat. He was cocky, rude, and pretty much a dick. Maybe he's a dick to make up for the fact that he probably doesn't have one. I rub my hands over my face, feeling the skin underneath them. It's still quite tight and dry, but there is really nothing I can do other than applying more cream and hoping that it gets back to normal quicker than it has or is epxected to. I'm in the target area, practicing my aim with throwing knives and axes. I have sword training later followed by sniper practice. These classes are not required by Hydra or the Hydra Elite program but I figured that if I take them, I will be ready for any and all situations.

        The mission will take place after my sniper practice session. Miranda is going on the mission with me, her own special hate towards the other Avengers that are sure to be there. They killed Jeff, and she's pissed. I grunt softly as I release the axe I had resting in my hand. It hits dead center in the target, a smile growing on my face. I seem to be getting better and better with every throw, soon to become a licensed expert within Hydra. I will most likely have my test later this week, maybe even tomorrow if I can get enough time in and get a judge to licence me. I decided I've had enough for today and head back to my room to check on agent 17. He had one of his midterm tests today and I want to know how he did. As soon as I open the door his attention flies to me. He's sitting on top of a high ledge, elevated places making him feel safer. He has an open textbook in his lap, I'm guessing Russian. He jumps down from his ledge, favoring his metal leg to take the impact. He looks pretty happy, a smile spreading across his face. He runs into my arms and I pick him up. I swing him around and laugh with him. I set him down and squat down to his level.

        "Well?" I question, wanting to know every detail that second.

        "I did amazing!! It was so easy and I took my challenger down like that!" He snaps his fingers and smiles at me.

        "Awesome!" I offer my hand for a high five and he hits it. I pull him into another hug and laugh with him. "I'm so proud of you!"

        "Thanks mom!" I tense up. I push him out of my arms and look at him. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."

        "It's.... it's fine. Just don't do it again okay? No emotions." He nods and returns back to his place on top of the ledge. I grab my sabre and toss it around in my hands. I smirk and say my goodbyes to agent 17. My sword class flies by, same with my sniper. My stomach twists and turns with excitement, wanting to just get the mission started already. I practically run back to my room and begin changing into my Hydra Elite formal uniform. After sliding on my pants and tank top that rests underneath the jacket, I notice that something is off. There seems to be some unspoken tension through out the room. I pick up my sabre and grip it firmly in my hands.

        I glance around the room, looking for anything that's out of the norm. I find nothing, but I can't help but feel as if this was a warning, a bad omen. I swallow the lump growing in my throat and put the sabre down. I wipe the sweat off of my hands on my pants and grab my jacket. I fasten it up and start pulling on my boots. I begin to feel the hair raising up on the back of my neck. I reach for the sabre again and arm myself. I glance around the room being too smart than to just brush off my instincts. The first step to being as dangerous as me is trusting yourself. And that includes trusting your instincts. Trust your instincts, trust yourself. I search the room piece by piece with my eyes. I scan every corner, every crevice, every inch of the room. I walk around on light steps, trying to keep myself as quiet as possible. Something moves in the corner of my eye. I direct my attention to it and prepare myself for the worst. A small mouse runs out in front of me. I jump slightly and inhale sharply.

        "Holy shit." I mutter, watching it as it scurries off into a dark shadow in the room. I drop my guard and put my hand over my heart. "Stupid fucking mouse." I go back to my trunk and finish pulling on my uniform. I'm just about to leave when a small voice comes out of no where.

        "Jennifer?" I tense up and turn around. Agent 17 is standing before me, tears in his eyes.

        "What's wrong?" I ask, noticing his shaky mood. I walk over to him and kneel next to him.

        "You're coming back right?" he questions.

        "Yeah. Of course!" I say, wiping some of his tears with my thumb. No emotion. I sigh deeply. But he's only a kid, he should be allowed to. "Why would you doubt that?"

        "Just, the last time, you got really hurt and I didn't get to see you for a long time and I was really scared and just... please come back." he admits. I pull his head down towards me and kiss his forehead.

        "Listen. I'm going out on my mission, kicking ass, neutralizing my target, and coming right back. I'll be here in time to tell you a bed time story." I smooth the material of his shirt with my hands and smile at him.

        "Will you tell me one about the Winter Solider?" he asks in his innocent voice.

        "I will."

        "You promise? Do you promise that you'll come back tonight and tell me one?" He holds out his pinky and I lock his with mine. We touch our thumbs together. I bite the inside of my cheek. I've never been good with stories...

        "I promise." He nods and I pull him into another hug. "I'll be back soon Carlton." I release him from my hug and stand up.

        "Carlton?" he asks.

        "Yeah. You're Carlton now." I wave goodbye and exit the room. The back of my eyes pinch, warning me of the inevitable tears. I shove the heels of my hands into my eyes. No emotions. No. Emotions. I walk quickly to the armoury and fill my jacket with knives, guns, grenades, and anything else I might need. I decide to slip a cyanide pill into the specially made pocket, just in case.  I meet up with Miranda and we head off to the Avengers, to our targets.

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