Chapter Twenty Three: Bad Seed

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Bucky's POV

        I park my bike where I usually do; far away enough to keep it safe, but close enough to not raise suspicion. I make sure my Hydra uniform is on, my metal arm exposed. It's not like I can feel the bitter breeze or pouring rain on it anyways. The dark clouds release all of their rain on me, my jacket becoming heavier with the soaking rain. I sigh, hearing my feet slosh in the mud and rain. I walk into Hydra and swipe my badge, allowing me access into the building. Acquiring one of these badges was something I did on my third trip here, sneaking out into the badge room in order to do it. I nod at the person at the front desk and walk through until I reach the Elite hallway. I keep my guard up, knowing that one wrong move or look could land me back in here with my brain wiped. No one from S.H.I.E.L.D. has had the common sense to figure out that I come here nearly every two days and visit her, if she knows it or not. I find her door and stop before it. I take a few deep breaths, preparing myself for the worst. The dead silent hall reveals a quiet sniffle followed by a deep inhale and a second of composure. A sob cuts through the air and I open the door. Jet instantly looks up at me, fear across her face. She shoots out of her bed and dives into the far right corner.

        "Please! No! Please don't beat me, I'm sorry! I'm sorry I showed weakness, just please, please don't beat me." she begs, her voice shaking and backing into the corner as far as she can go. My heart shatters, the first time I've talked to her in months and she is begging for me not to beat her.

        "I'm not going to hurt you." I say in a light, reassuring voice. I close the door behind me and take a few careful steps forward. I bite the inside of my mouth, debating if I should say what's really on my mind. Ah screw it. "I'm Bucky. You know me." She is instantly taken aback, her face showing her confusion.

        "No I don't. I've never heard of a Bucky anytime before in my life." She studies me, staring at my Hydra uniform. "Who do you work for?" she asks in a defensive tone. Uh oh.

        "That isn't important and that's not why I'm here." I say, fearing the worst. I know that one wrong answer could land me an attack from one of the best of the Hydra Elite. She's so thin though. I know Hydra's strict meal plans are keeping her from getting hardly any of the calories she needs. I bet she could go for some Steak and Shake.

        "Then please, explain it to me." she presses as she stands up. She studies me in great detail now, changing her stance a couple of times, only something a previous Hydra Elite member could notice.

        "Stop analyzing me, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise you. I could never do that." I say, raising my hands up in an innocent manner. Jet seems confused, like she doesn't know what to do. Just remember me Jet. Remember me.

        "I'm going to ask you again, who are you?" she demands, coming even closer. I could reach out and wrap her in a bone crushing hug. But that might not be the best idea with the current state that she's in. Come on, come on! What will make her remember? What can I say that could bring back any memories?

        "Your fellow monster." Jet stops moving instantly, her eyes locking on mine. Something flashes in them, recognition. I hit the right spot.

        "You sent that book." So she did find it.

        "Didn't send it, I delivered it." I correct, a smile threatening to tug at the sides of my mouth.

        "You broke into my room, got past the finger scanner, and placed a book into my trunk that then got me beat later on?" Guilt instantly overtakes me.

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