Chapter Twenty Nine: Fade to Black

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        "You're missi-" I'm cut off by a knee being thrusted in to my gut. I double over as I feel myself lifted off the ground. My back meets the ground, the wind knocked out of me. Jet's elbow meets my face, my nose bleeding. Her knee pounds into my chest, my ribs threatening to break.

        "Sir? I have detected an attack. Would you like to processed with defensive measures?" J.A.R.V.I.S. asks. I manage to get Jet off me with a back hand across her face. She stumbles back as I kick her away. I get up to my feet and grab my shield.

        "No! Hold that order!" I tell J.A.R.V.I.S. Jet stares at me for a second.

        "Hm. Pretty boy eh? Nice hair." she says, her hands on her hips. I run a hand through it. Two can play at this game.

        "Awh thanks. I just got it cut."

        "Wouldn't want to mess it up now would we?" she asks, getting closer to me. I tense up as she pushes up on her toes, and fixes a stray strand. "Not when it looks so perfect." Her eyes lock on mine and I momentary melt.

        "Jet..." I say, wanting to cup her face right now and kiss her, to wrap my arms around her and just hold her close. She keeps her eyes on mine, not moving. I lean in towards her and press my lips against her. I feel her tense up, her right arm moving next to us. I pull away and open my eyes. She still looks into my eyes, confusion clearly written across her face.

        "I wonder...." she says, a playful tone entering her voice.

        "What?" I ask, pulling her closer to me.

        "What's life like bleeding on the floor?" My eyes go wide as I feel a gun pushed into my side.

        "Gun detected. Defensive measures taken." J.A.R.V.I.S. announces.

        "NO!" I scream but I'm too late. The beam is released from the device in the wall that Stark insisted on putting in. Jet screams out in pain, her skin bubbling and bleeding in multiple places. "JET!!" I drop to her side, trying to find some way to get her out of here without hurting her. "J.A.R.V.I.S. CALL BUCKY NOW!!! GET HIS ASS DOWN HERE!!!" I yell, picking up her head and placing it in my lap. "Can you hear me?" I ask her. Her eyes flutter open and she nods. The door bursts open, Bucky panting hard next to it. His eyes widen when he notices that the burnt body before me is Jet.

        "Jesus Christ what happened to her?!" he questions, kneeling next to her.

        "Long story! Just help me get her to the ER." I order. He nods and picks up her legs. We rush her through S.H.I.E.L.D., ignoring the stares we get. We get her into a car and take off.

        "Now that we have time, why is Jet covered in burns, and why was she even there?!" he yells at me.

        "Well that kid did say she was on a night mission. Maybe her mission was to take me out? I don't know! All I know is that Stark's stupid auto-defense thing went off without my order and did this to her." He looks back at her and says something in Russian. I assume it's some swears because that's really the only time he uses it. We make it to the ER and take her out. The nurses immediately put her on a stretcher and we run next to her. She moans quietly, her skin a bright red.

        "Ma'am can you hear me?" I ask. I watch her as she slowly nods. A look of pain follows and she grits her teeth. I hate seeing her in so much pain, tears sprouting from her eyes. I want to wipe them off but I can't, the oils from my skin would only make her pain even more great. I watch as her eyes open slightly, locking on mine. "We're going to take care of you okay? Just relax." I say. I watch as she reaches from my hand, lacing her fingers with mine. I stare at our hands for a second and then back at her. A smile works its way to my lips. I rub the back of her hand with my thumb just like I always used to.

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