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i carefully creep up the stairs and slowly push open our bedroom door. max was at soccer camp for the day so i had a chance to look at the letters.
i don't mean any harm, i'm just curious onto what they say. i pull out the box from where i saw max pull it out yesterday and carefully open the lid. it's almost a stack at this point.
the first letter i see is the one from yesterday that i read. of course i didn't mean to snoop, i just wanted to know what all of these letters max was getting were. it came in a pattern i noticed. every two weeks a pastel envelope would show up in the mailbox. i dig through the pile and pull out one of the letters. i set the box down and begin reading the one in my hand. i soon realize it's a letter max wrote that he's planning on sending to her.


i think it is bitter sweet when you think of the old times together. we did everything together and we were inseparable since we met when we were 5.
of course i have forgiven you. or at least i don't hate you anymore. i wanna forget what happened but i want us to talk again.
we were so in love back then. i think everyone could tell ;)
i miss you too and i hope we can see each other soon
i love you


i think i read that letter about five times before putting it back in the box. i couldn't imagine that it had already been about two years since they saw each other. my mom insisted we moved to a different neighborhood after the incident. she didn't want max hanging out with her ever again.
i remember how broken they both were, max was a mess and tried to get our parents to change their mind, but of course they wouldn't budge. ophelia cried endlessly. but i just tried to get max to get over himself and tried to get him to agree to moving. i remember how much they cared for each other and how much they really did love each other when they were together. and i just hated ophelia after what happened, i didn't speak to her.
but now i realize that i should've been trying to help both of them, instead i was the one of the ones tearing them apart.

name reveal of the mysterious letter girl. lemme know if you like the name, i think it's cute.
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