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my ride pulled into the driveway at around 11:00pm and i noticed there was still a light on. i couldn't imagine who was still awake, everyone fell asleep at 10:30 or so. i grabbed my bags and walked up to the front door and pushed it open.
"hello?" i call
"in here." mom calls from i think the living room
i place my stuff down and wander into the room. she was sitting on the couch and she looked really stressed.
"mom? you didn't need to stay up for me." i say
"oh it's not a problem. i couldn't really sleep." she says and shrugs
"why not?" i ask and quickly sit down on the couch next to her
"i had an argument with max earlier today." she says
"why??" i ask
we never argued with mom so i was a bit concerned. if we did argue it was about something serious.
"he was live streaming with ophelia." mom says and raises her eyebrows
"oh.." i say while looking down at the floor
i was scared i was gonna get a beating because i knew max was talking to her and i just kept it a secret.
"we argued about it, but then max said we didn't know the full story of what happened?" she says and looks at me like i have the answers
i just look back because i didn't know how to respond. my heart was still beating fast because i didn't want to get in an argument either. mom gets angry when we argue with her if we even do.
"i was wondering..did you know the full story?" she asks looking directly at me now
i look at her with wide eyes and i honestly didn't know what to say. i didn't know the full story either. i didn't even know there was a full story.
"i think you need to ask max..i don't really know much..he knows more than we do." i say
mom sighs and then nods. i breathe a sigh in relief that she laid off of the subject for now.
"okay. i'm sorry. go to bed, i'm sure you're tired. you can unpack tomorrow." she says
i nod
"goodnight." i say
"goodnight harvey." she says
i grab my bag from the front and carry it up the stairs to our room. quietly i push open the door to be greeted by max who's asleep in his chair and his phone screen glowing back at him. i set my bag down and move closer to max to see what was on his phone that was glowing back at him. i looked and saw a dark screen and it almost looked like someone sleeping. he was on facetime i could tell but i didn't know who he was facetiming. as i looked closer i saw long light hair laying on the bed and i realized it was a girl. i made a face, what girl would max facetime? i suddenly made the connection after taking a moment to think. it was ophelia. they must of been facetiming and they fell asleep. i smile a little to myself. max looked a little cold so i took a blanket from his bed and covered him up.
"goodnight max." i whisper
he stirs a little and then pulls the blanket up closer to his face. i smile and return to my own bed to go to sleep.

this chapter is like choppy too i'm sorry
i didn't really know how to write this either
two updates in one week! wOaH😂
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p.s. thank you so much on the amazing feedback on this story! i hope you guys are loving it as much as i am! 😊💘

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