twenty eight

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when we arrived in la we had pre vidcon interviews and prep so i couldn't see ophelia until tomorrow. and that really bothered me.
i could barely focus on the interviews because my mind was always somewhere else.
so much anticipation was building up i was about ready to explode.
"just think, in less than 24 hours you'll be in each other's arms." harvey says
"that's too far away." i complain
"you have no patience do you?" harvey laughs
i roll my eyes
"very funny." i say
he chuckles and motions for me to follow for our next interview.

the interviews really seemed to drag on, like i mean really drag on. i felt like they would never end. it was endless cycles of the same questions over and over. i just wanted to go back to our hotel room and sleep so tomorrow would come faster.
"max." harvey nudges my arm
i jolt upward and look around. harvey gives me confused look.
"you okay?" he asks
"yeah..sorry. just thinking." i say
"okay well stop thinking, we have another interview in a few minutes." he says
"another one?! how many of these are we doing?!" i exclaim
harvey pauses
"only like 2 more i think." he says
i sigh and lean back in my chair. harvey chuckles.
"someone's love sickkkk." he says
"stop. i'm not." i say
"mhmm." harvey smirks
i roll my eyes and cross my arms. harvey could be such a butthole sometimes.
"max and harvey? you're on." a lady says appearing from a doorway
harvey and i exchange glances before getting up and following her into the room.

5 interviews and 3 and a half hours later, harvey and i arrive back into our hotel room. i collapse on the bed.
"god we're never doing that again." i complain
"yeah i was getting a little sick of it." harvey says
"my voice is shot from talking so much." i say
harvey gives me a puzzled look.
"i don't think that's possible." he says
i raise my eyebrows at him before covering my face into the pillows.
"i'm gonna sleep now." i say and curl up on the bed
"it's only like 4:30pm but okay." harvey says and chuckles
"shut up." i say
"okay sleeping beauty. i'll let yuh get your rest." he says
"thank you." i say
i kick my shoes off and crawl up underneath the blankets. i was actually kind of tired so a small nap wouldn't hurt.
soon enough i was drifting into sleep and i was out.

first off, sorry for the slow update
i kind of forgot about the story😂
the meeting is gonna happen soon! get ready!
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