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"mom! i'm home." i call as i pass through the front door in my big heavy coat and boots
"okay!" she calls back from somewhere in the house
i took my winter gear off and walked into the kitchen to be greeted with a lime green envelope sitting on the counter. i titled my head to the size, puzzled by the sight. i picked it up and quickly realized it was addressed to me but it had no return address. i ripped it open and pulled out a delicate piece of paper. i unfolded it and quickly realized it was from max. i smiled widely.

i finally wrote you back :)
i don't exactly know where to start with this letter. there's just so much to talk about.
i was going to send this to your p.o. box but with a little digging i found your address and i decided this would be quicker
i miss you too
it's not the same anymore.
of course what happened was bad, but it's in the past. and i chose to live my life not dwelling on the past.
because if you dwell on the past too much, you can never move on. and i want to move on.
i hope that one day we can see each other. i love you


a huge smile forms on my face as i finish the letter. he was correct, you can't live your life dwelling on the past. i was happy he wasn't mad at me and i was even more happy that he misses me and wants to see me.
we were each other's first love and only love. after max and harvey moved away and switched schools i couldn't really like anyone like i liked max. he was different and i can't ever replace him. i hurried up the stairs to put the letter in a special place to make sure it wouldn't get ruined. i pulled out my phone and saw that i had a text from an unknown number. i clicked on it and opened it in the app.

hey it's max mills
txt me

i smile widely and begin typing.

short chapter
what do you think will happen next?
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p.s i'm not sure if u his actually read these at the bottom but i'm gonna be gone for a week so if u don't see any updates that's why. when i'm back i'll update my stories :))

the letters || max mills Where stories live. Discover now