thirty three

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i paused for a moment in the hallway as i scrunched my eyebrows up trying to remember what one of my friends and i were talking about when someone suddenly knocked into me. out of instinct, i put my arms out to catch them before they fell and i stumbled back to catch my balance so i didn't fall either. luckily, neither of us fell so i made sure they were steady before looking down to see who ran into me.

"oh, hey ophelia? what's the hurry?" i ask seeing ophelia standing in front of me. she quickly pulls away from me and brushes herself off and shakes her head.

"sorry harvey, i'm fine." she says not meeting my eyes and i raise my eyebrow. i remember something about max telling me he thought she was avoiding him all day and now that i thought about it, this was the first time i had seen her almost all day.

"are you sure?" i ask and she just nods. i frown slightly knowing she was probably lying. sure, we haven't like really talked in 3 years but i still knew she was lying.

"you're not really good at lying, you know." i say and cross my arms and i watch as she makes a face of defeat. i smirk satisfied that i knew her well still.

"okay, you caught me." she mutters and i see her face turn to bit of disappointment.

"you want to talk about it?" i ask and she seems to debate it before nodding. i motion for us to take a walk back down the hallway where i came from so we could talk.

"you know this morning at the panel?" she starts and i nod, "well..i was there and i um..i saw max kissing some other girl and i know we like aren't even a thing but it just..i don't know. it bothered me. but it shouldn't." she says

"but it did." i say and she nods. i frown at the fact that max kissed another girl today because i didn't even hear about that.

"have you tried talking to him?" i ask and she shakes her head

"i've been avoiding him all day. i don't know..i just don't really wanna make it a big deal, you know? plus i guess it was stupid of me to think he'd actually like wanna be with me after all of what happened." ophelia frowns and i frown as well.

"if it bothers you, then talk to him. i mean you obviously have feeling for him and i thought he had feelings for you too but..just talk to him. i mean everything that happened like 3 years ago is in the past. we're in the present so live in it the present." i say trying my best to give advice even though it wasn't really my thing. ophelia nods slightly.

"i guess so. hey, thanks for talking." she says and i nod

"you're welcome. i hoped i helped a little bit." i say and she nods. i smile slightly and we part ways to our own hotel rooms for the night. i find my spot on my bed and continue to scroll through my phone when the door opens a few minutes later. i glance over and see max trail in. i raise my eyebrow at him.

"so you didn't tell me you kissed a girl today?" i say and i watch his face go red.

"h-how did you..i.." he stumbles over his words and i just shrug. i wasn't sure if i should tell him ophelia saw him since it's her own thing to tell but i keep my mouth shut about it for now.

"so what's the deal with that?" i ask

"i don't know. we kissed and that's that." he says and i raise my eyebrow

"do you this girl? i mean who even is she? i thought you liked ophelia?" i ask and max seems to go quiet at that. i raise my eyebrow again.

"i don't know. i don't know, harvey. i'm just..confused." he mutters and heads into the bathroom. i make a face but just shrug it off. it was max's problem not mine so he had to figure it out. i lay back on my bed and continue to scroll through my phone.

"hold up, how did you find out i kissed a girl??" max asks again popping his head out from the bathroom.

"someone saw." i say and shrug

"who? is it all over the internet??" he exclaims and i shake my head

"no calm down you dummy. just someone saw." i say and shrug and max makes a face at my vagueness. i watch as he stares at the floor for a moment to try and figure it out. i watch as his head suddenly pops up with wide eyes.

"ophelia saw, didn't she?" he asks and i don't respond. that was an answer for him because he's quickly hurrying out of the hotel room, i'm guessing to talk to ophelia. i just shake my head and roll my eyes. max was a really stupid sometimes.

y'all i have no clue what i'm writing anymore
so like PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave suggestions for this story so i can end it or something.
but yeah thanks for the love still on all my mandh stories, it means a lot to my 13 year old self who wrote most of them back in the day bahaha (i'm 16 now💀)
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