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after almost a month since ophelia moved to the states, i finally, finally, received a letter from her. we had gotten busy and trying to facetime in a five hour time zone difference is a bit difficult, so i hadn't heard from her in awhile.
once i got inside the house i practically ripped open the envelope, almost ripping the letter too. i pulled it out and began reading..

sorry we haven't talked in awhile, living in the states is a bit busy. i'm enjoying it though, i love living by the coast.
i hope england is doing well, i miss it there but it's pretty cool here.
i promise we'll facetime soon :)
i miss you!
p.s. i got you another hat ;) it's on it's way..


i smile widely at the letter. just then, mom walks through causing both of us to jump in surprise.
"sorry max, i didn't know you came through the door." she says and recollects herself
"sorry, i was reading my letter.." i say and give a half smile
she nods
mom doesn't hate the fact that we're talking, we've come to this agreement where if anything feels wrong or off, i would tell her immediately. of course at times i can tell she's still shaky about us talking again, but i know she knows i can make my own decisions and i'm not 13 anymore.
i hear the door open from behind me and before i know it i'm flying forward. i almost smack my face into the floor but i catch myself and stumble forward.
"woah sorry max." harvey says closing the door behind him
" don't need to come through the door that fast.." i say while brushing myself off
"well i didn't expect you standing right there like that." he says
"i was reading a letter.." i say
"from ooopheliaaaa" harvey says in a flirtatious tone
i roll my eyes
"yeah, yeah whatever." i say waving him off
"how is she?" he asks
"good." i say
me and harvey have also come more to terms with each other since our fight. he understands how i feel because he saw how i felt back then. he wants me to be happy and doesn't want to take that away from me.
"how's the states for her?" he asks
"good." i say
he nods
"do you think you guys are ever going to reunite sometime?.." he asks
i shrug
"i dunno. we want to..but i don't know when we're going back to the states." i say
"what about vidcon? we never miss vidcon." harvey suggests and hangs his coat up
"she'd never be able to go to that." i say
"worth a shot max." he says
i slowly nod
he pats me on the shoulder and disappears into the kitchen. i hurry upstairs to our room and place the letter in the special box like always. i check the time to see if ophelia was home yet. it was just about 4:00 her time so she was home. i pulled my phone out and clicked her contact.

think ophelia and max will ever reunite?
max seems to have an idea but he doesn't know if it will work..
vote, comment, and share! :)
p.s. thank you again for this support on the book! i appreciate it so much!

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