Chapter 1: The letter

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*Chapter 1*

As I sat on my bed I was looking at my Face book update page. Abby had changed her status with relationships at least 100 times today. I just gave up and went outside to check the mail. There were a total of 3 letters one to me, Abby, and Adam.  IT was from the same place but the names were from different people. I walked into the living room and gave them the letters. I quickly opened it and found it said:

Dear Miss Ashley 

I am sending you this letter to inform you that you are chosen to come and join us for an eventful summer at Camp W&W. I advise you to talk to your parents in the next 24 hours because after that you will be here. Please do not take any belonging because they will be here, i personally promise you.

                                                                        Yours truly, Linda Martin AKA Head Principal

Ok totally the weirdest letter in the history of letters. Abby and Adam both open there’s while I went to mom and dad's office. 

"Hey, Abby. Are you ready to go to the mall. I'm finally not busy." Mom said without looking up.

"Mom it's me." I said trying not to be hurt that she call me Abby. I mean seriously who does that. Not normal parents that care about their middle child.

"Oh hi Ashley. I'm kind of busy."  She said. 

"You just said you weren't busy. And I got this letter." I say handing it to her. But then Abby runs up and puts her letter in Mom's hand before I could.

"Mom read this." Abby says. Mom scans over the letter. Then Adam walks in. 

"I got it too." he said. "What the hell does it mean?" he asks not exactly interested.

"Ashley I need to talk to Abby and Adam about his letter can you please walk out?" Mom says. It seems like she's expected this letter to only get to Abby and Adam.

"Is it about this letter?" i asks and she nods. "Then I need to listen." I say and she looks surprised.

"Ok well I'm a witch and your dad's a warlock." she announces.

"Nice joke mom." Adam says.

"No Adam I'm serious. This camp W&W is camp witch & warlock. They teach you things about magic like spells, codes, potions, and stuff like that. But depending on who send you your letter is on what level of possible magic you have in your body." She says. "Abby?" 

Abby grins and says, "Miss Pearl Jones." Mom's face fades.

"She's just a witch commoner teacher. Adam?" she asks with hope in her voice for him to get a good teacher.

"Mister Kevin Ludwig." He says.

"He's a royal adviser teacher for soon to be officers. And Since Abby has a commoner teachers I think you have one too Ashley." she says with no hope for me at all.

"Well what if I have Miss Linda Martin?" i asks taunting her.

"Oh my. Ashley there's no need to lie Miss Linda Martin only teaches only Royals." mom says as if i was buffing. Because I’m not. I handed her my letter. She skimmed it. "There is no way you are a royal while Abby and Adam isn't." she said no dialing a number. She turned it on speaker. "Hello Keth?"

"Yes, Hello Marie." Keth said. HE had a really ruff voice and it sounded like he was running.

"I have a question to ask." she started. But then paused. "IS it possible to know if Ashley White OR Abby White is on the list of people Miss Linda is traing this summer? Pretty please." she asked.

"MArie you know the rules." he reminded her.

"Rules are ment to be broken. ANd pluse you owe me." she reminded him back.

"Fine. Abby is a commoner while Ashley is a royal and is on the list. Ashley is also ment to meet with Miss LInda every day for a lesson that is an hour or two. Abby probably isn't that special. BUt i can tell from Miss Linda's note on her here she's quiet somthing." HE said.

"Thank's Keth." she said and hung up. "OK Maybe it was wrong. Maybe Abby isn't special but Ashley is." she mumbled to her self. "Whatever. Go and hang out or what ever tomorrow at the time you got the letters you will be you will be at the camp. What ever happens don't get in trouble." she says shooing us out.

I just walked to the kitchen while Adam started saying,"I'm a royal officer."over and over again while running to his room. I got some chips then Abby walked in.

"Did you bribed MIss Linda or somthing?" she sneered. 

"No why would you think that?" i asked. I know Abby. She think everything has to go her way. My parents have always been treating her like a princess. She gets everything. They forgot me at the mall once because of her.

"Because someone like you can't be a royal. I should be one. I'm pretty, well liked, and is so totally amazing." she said lifting her chin up.

"Yes and Pluto is still a planet." i say sarcastically.

"It is." she points out.

"It was before they found a moon bigger than it." i say. She sometimes, no no, most of the time is a total Blondie.  How the hell did she make it to high school? By selling herself to guys that help her homework. Gross, i know.

"Whatever I don't really care." she says. "It doesn't matter if your a royal or not you'll never get a boyfriend or even friends." she says and way up to her room. 

Some how i knew she was wrong.


Guys this is my second post today. Just so you know Ive wrote most of thsi book already. So the post won't be long. Please comment on what you think. I really car about your comment. I will read every single one of your comments. When i say i do read the comments i really do. I swear it on my life. Like my other book: Not An Average Mate. I've read every single comment on it. If i didn't respond it's because i didn't have anything to say. But as always vote, comment, and fan:)

xoxo, Dream19

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