Chapter 17: Forgive and Forget....

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chapter 17

*Ash's POV*

I didn't answer the door but the people still came in. I know its rude and all to not answer the door when people knock but i didn't want to explain to my friends what horrible thing i have done. It turns out it was Kay and Lil. 

"Hey, Ash are you okay?" kay asked while lilly closed the door. 

I silently nodded.

There was silence, no it wasn't awkward. But it was okish, comfortable silence. they type you could sit for hours and not feel too scared. You know what i mean? 

"Why, i mean you don't have to answer and everything, but why was Blake running back to where ever he's running to?" Lilly asked breaking the silence.

"He-I-I-He found out." i stumbled out. My heart i swear was breaking again.

"How did he-ohhhh!" kay started out asking how he felt then it *clicked*. 

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." i said whispering.

"But you know hes going to come back right?" lilly asked.

"You should've seen him. He was so fuckin' pissed at me. He hates me now." i said feeling heartbroken again.

"Fate set ya'll up for a reason right? So fate will bring ya'll back somehow, i sure." Lilly said. 

"You'll be fine at the end, Ash. I'm positive about it." kay said. But then there was a knock on the door.

"Come on in!" we all said. and the last person i'd thought would be stuck his head in.


I'm reading this and i'm realizing what would my friends do if i left them like this.  and the answer is KILL me. so heres the other part.



The last person on this Earth i'd thought would be here.

"Umm are ya'll busy or can i talk to ash?" he asked as he stepped in.

"Uh, um we were just leaving. Well get well ash." kay said and wave at me and then pulled lilly out of the room. 

Adam walked in and closed the door. He was clean i could tell that. His head still wet from his shower probably. 

"Hey ash." he said looking at the tile on the floor. 

"Hey." i sad as i felt the air get so awkward around us. Gez this is awkward. 

"How have you be- wait. Ash have you been crying?" he was going to ask how i have been doing but then looked up at me. and saw my trail of tears. 

"Yeah, why?" i asked shrugging not really caring at the moment. 

"What did they say? What did Blake do? I am so going to kill the guy." he growled.

"he didn't do anything. I just told him the truth." i stated straightly out.

"About..." he led me on.

"About me having cancer." i whispered not really sure i want to tell people about it.


"Yeah, shocker i know." i said.

"Why? How? Why did you tell any of us?" he asked me shocked.

"Because ya'll never cared." i muttered.

"That's her reason too." he whispered. 

"What do you mean she? And Why the heck are you here?" i asked knowing that he wouldn't be here without a purpose. I mean he  didn't care before right?

"I know that look anywhere. I know you think i don't care. But honestly i do. Honestly i do. I love you like a sister. Honestly i think you've never noticed this but i really care about you. I never hate you. Your more like my sister than Abby. But why didn't you ever tell me? Why did you tell me you have cancer? It's important. I finally know why you had like 5 jobs. but why?" he asked as he paced across the floor.

"Because i need money for my meds. And you hated me. You ignored me. You never ever even talked to me, unless you had to." i said.

"But i do." he said.

"Ok whatever but you never answered my question why are you here?" i said louder and wanting to know why he was here.

"Because i feel guilty. Because maybe if i had shown that i actually wanted to treat you like my sister, Then maybe my mate wouldn't have said,'if you can't even treat your sister right then how are you going to treat me?' But then again karma always come back and bit you in the ass." he says.

And for the 1st time i felt bad for him.

"i just want too come here and say sorry ok? I'm not going to beg for your forgiveness. Or anything. I just want to ask for a chance. Is that too much to ask?" he asked.

"No but you have to know that I'm not the most forgiving person in the world. So don't think we're going to go all buddy and stuff ok?" i asked and his faces brightened.

"Thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you hank you!" he said as he ran to be and hugged me.

"Ok that's enough." i said.

"Ok i have to go now. But Ash i won't let your down, i'm here ok? " he said as i shooed him out the door.

"But promise me one thing." i paused and he nodded. "Go and talk to her. About everything you just told me." and he nodded. "Go get them tiger." and  told him as he closed the door. And i could even hear his chuckling on his way down the hall.


I said I would post earlier but i was busy. With school, and coming home from vaca, and unpacking and stuff. Well if i try and i have time tomorrow when i have Lib. (i'm workin' there again yay!!)  but this is my schedule (every week unless there is a school holiday) :

Mons: Mixed choir (for my musical play and i think its every other Mon)

Tues: Dear Edwina (the musical im doing @ school) and tutoring (sometimes) 

Wed/Thur: idk probably HW and try to post

Fri: Dear Edwina (the musical im doing @ school)

Sat/Sun: my only always thing is church but other wise i have to do HW or i can post or something....

So yeah i am totally not used to this new musical play schedule thingy so lets see how it goes.

xoxo, Dream19

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