Chapter 12: I.....Love You. Okay?

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Chapter 12

*Balake's POV* *RECAP*

 "I'm fine. Don't worry. Hate you? i think you have enough girls arpund you to have time for me. But im fine. Im totally fine. I wont live long. I don't need much, just to trying and die in peace." She said as if she was trying to convince herself as much as me.

I needed to tell her, " Ash i got to say something. I-I-I......"

*Chapter 12*

"Just say it. Whatever you want to say. If you hate me just say it." she said about to cry.

""I-" i stopped myself. "I love you okay? I know you hate me but i can't help it. I fell in love with you when i met you on that very first day. Yes on your doorstep. I didn't know you were my mate yet. So i jsut turned to my player side. I screactly wish that you were my mate. You were beautiful, amazing, and everything i've ever wanted. But i was also afraid you'd find your mate. So i decided to be a jack ass. But then that thing happened in the club...........well i wanted to fucking tourture him so much that death seemed to be a better choice. Then i freaked out when i found out we were mates. I freaked and rejected you. Then when we went back i was mad at myself for doing that to you. Then after that when i made you leave and mad during 1st period. I looked for you. But then you came back. Thank goodness. I called my mom to ask what should i do. She told me that if i don't get you back then i never really deserved you in the first place. I just have too much pride for my own good. But after all of that, i love you. I loved you since i first met you. I just hope at least thers a chance you'd forgive me. But if you want me to leave you alone, then i promise i will." i rambled. I truely did love her. 

Honestly i did. 

But she was silent. She didn't say a word.

*Ash's pov* 

I was speechless. I honestly didn't know what to say. 

"PLease just say something." he begged. I looked up from my fingers. HE was on his knees next to the bed. He was crying. Tears trailing down his cheeks. But he wasnt the only one. I was crying too. 

"I-I hate you!" i screamed. I was going to say something but he interuppted.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time." he said slowly standing up. I could hera his voice breaking. His face showed hurt, pain, and sorrow. But then quickly started walking toward the door. 

"Wait." i said. But he didn't. So i qickly got out of bed. But my body wasn't going to let me. I managed to get out of the bed pulling teh IV and some other needles out. BUt ended up falling on my way. And i heard a crack.

"Ash are you ok? Honestly?" he said rushing toward me. 

"Don't you at least -owwww- want to -owwww- know why? -owww->" i said as he started to help me walk but then realiezed that i was still hurt. So he just carried me back to the bed. 

"No because then i would hate myself even more, if it was possible." he mumbled. Then he sat me down on the bed.

"I hate you for puttiing be through everything. For making my heart break so much. I hate you for making me hate you. I have you because you have so much damn pride. I hate you for making me leave. For saving me that night. For wanting to kill that bastard. I hate you, for being like a total jackass sometimes, but then being the sweetest person on earth. I hate that way you make my heart beat. I hate you for making me go through all of this. I hate you for making me think you hated me.. " i said while crying in his chest and punching each time i say a reason. "And lastly.... I fucking hate you for making me love you so damn much." i said. 

He looked at me blankly, "What does all of that mean?" I looked back him with disbelif. I told that damn gigantic speech and yet he didn't catch a word out of it?

"Did you really not catch a word out of my long speech?' i asked out loud.

"You hate me...." he paused thinking about the rest of my speech.

"I truely do hate you. For making me love you, even though you are the biggest asshole in the world."I say looking up at his face.

"Will you please give me a second chance?" he asked.

"IDK i'll have to think about it." i say. It was true i really did. Is it really worth it? Loving him even thought my time is numbered?

"Ok. But tell me when you figured it out." he said pausing, "Sweet Dreams, Ash." He said as he kissed my forehead. He was about to leave but i stopped him.

"Stop. Can you stay?" i asked not knowing what he was going to say.

"Anything for you." he said. So he slowly got on the bed and made my basicly lay on him. 

"Sweet dreams." i said slowly closing my eyes.

"Swet dreams, ash. Remember I'll always love you." he said then we both fell asleep.


JK!!!!! This is not the end. I was just kidding. Ummm but this is going to have a numbered more chapters. Like maybe no more that 10 chapters. So yea. I hope ya'll liked it. Um in the side bar is Ash (victoria justice) and Blake (Asher Brook). Ummm i still need some recomendations for a person to be one of the follwing people:

Kay (real name is Kayla)

Kendall (mate is Kay)

Britney (a girl from chappie 1, abby's tour guide person)

Abby (Ash's not related sister, hate Ash)

Adam (Ash's brother, not hate or really love Ash)

Lil (real name is lilly)

Luke (Lil's mate)

Chirsty (remember Blake's mom)

thanks so much. If you want a description then jsut comment below and i will answer to you asap. I know it's short but i think i can o better next time. Um i think i willl post by next week. Because i am barely passing my honors math class and i need to majorly study. 

xoxo, Dream19

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