Chapter Three

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It's a bit shorter this time but I still really hope you enjoy reading it. If you did and you would like me to write more please vote and comment if you have any tips on how to make it better.


Chapter Three

“Are you okay I didn’t want to say this morning but you look a bit peaky…and sleep deprived,” Ellie asked with a worried expression.

I took a deep breath in “No I’m good, just couldn’t get to sleep last night,” I was in my own little world I didn’t even notice the door open and the class go deadly quiet then girls around us started whispering. Oh crap what lessons do I have today? General studies, English, free period, double Phycology? No…English, General studies, double Phycology free period? Yeah I think that’s it.

“Hello I’m Mr Bates I will be taking over for Mrs Evington we only have a few minutes left so if you could just answer your names…Aaron?” the room fell to an unnatural silence that no teacher had ever achieved.

“Yeah,” Aaron mumbled.




“Yes sir.”


“Yes,” I felt his eyes on me but I didn’t look up I was too busy trying not to fall asleep. His voice was…how do I put this without sounding like a freak…sexy I guess. But then again I could look up and he could be an obese fifty year old with BO problems. Just thinking about it made my face crinkle up with disgust. I was resting my eyes with my head in my hands when there was a shadow appear in front of our desk and I was elbowed in my rib by Ellie. My eyes snapped open and my head popped up. Okay maybe he wasn’t fifty more like early twenty’s, he had thick black hair and blue eyes that looked like the sky on a clear sunny day. He was pale but not too pale and his lips…don’t even get me started. When he smiled the muscles in his jaw tensed like he was trying to restrain himself from doing or saying something.

So yeah he was better than average looking, and you know what I’m talking about when you start imagining things like what it would feel like to kiss them…and other things. Then you start thinking ‘oh we could be together’ and within five minutes in your head you have been on your first date with them, met their parents got engaged, married and had children and while all this is going on inside your head they’re staring at you like ‘is she okay’. So I have a solution to your problems ladies, whenever this happens look around for the prettiest girl you can see and think to yourself ‘oh no. Its okay everyone! He’s out of my league he wouldn’t be seen dead with me. That girl is perfect for him she’s so pretty and I’m as ugly as an ogre.’ Then suddenly you’ve accepted the fact you cannot have him and seconds later he doesn’t seem attractive at all. Problem solved!

And it will make life a lot easier if I don’t get attached to him because Mrs Evington will be back in a couple of months and he will be gone. “Hello, you’re Ellie right?” he asked her and his body language suggested he was going to turn to me and ask ‘you must be Amy’ but I got away before then “I’m just going to talk to Kyle about our coursework,” I told Ellie and got up and went over to the table over the other side of the classroom. I didn’t pay any attention to him what so ever. I talked to the other girls about random stuff then Charlotte came out with “He’s so fit ain’t he?” then all the girls started  whispering about his bum. I rolled my eyes then when I looked over to see if he was still talking to Ellie- he was but at the same time he was looking at us. Our eyes met, he was staring back but I just turned around and pretended I had hadn’t noticed him. The bell went and I just walked out and waited for Ellie she came skipping through the door with a grin on her face

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