Chapter Five

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Part Five


I awoke feeling tired and lazy my bed was warm so I decided to stay where I am for a while I rolled over and grabbed the TV remote from the bedside cabinet and switched it on. The volume was low so it was just a murmur in the background, pulling my duvet over my head I nearly dozed off again.

“It was seven o’clock this morning when Christopher Handson’s body was discovered in a woods three miles from the city of Overstrand by a dog walker…”

Suddenly I was in a frenzy to get my duvet off- that’s only about two miles from our village.

“Mrs Sharpe was taking her usual dog walking route when she saw what she described as ‘a huge lump covered in leaves’ her dog which was off the lead ran barking towards it she told us that as soon as her dog sniffed the area around the body he started growling viciously and backed away.”  

I sat with my mouth hanging open staring at the screen.

“As you see the crime scene investigators are on scene we have a statement DC Walker made a few hours ago.”

I didn’t catch every word the police officer said but it was something on the lines of…

“The cause of death has not yet been confirmed although it looks as if the main cause were the puncture wounds that look like they were a result of an animal attack. According to the size of the marks this is an attack from a very large animal for the mean while local people within a two mile radius have been advised to stay out of woodland” the presenter finished.

The first thing that came into my head was the image of the large dog I had an encounter with, it made me realise how lucky I am- I mean because I’m still here, it didn’t attack me. After a few moments gazing at my bedroom wall thinking I decided to do some more research, still in my pj’s I opened up my laptop and got straight onto the internet.

Google>Christopher Handson, Overstrand> There was a news website and the article was dated four weeks ago

‘Earlier today Christopher Handson aged 47 was found not guilty due to lack of evidence. Mr Handson was arrested earlier this month on account of sexually abusing a child. Even though he had no alibi lack of forensic evidence means the judges didn’t have a hard enough case. The parents of the child involved were devastated and branded him as a ‘monster’ they said their family will never be able to move on because justice has not be served.'

…a part of me felt that he deserved to be killed for doing that to a child but then the saying ‘innocent until proven guilty’ comes into mind. Maybe this was my fault if I had told someone that I had seen this animal maybe they could’ve caught it by now and this man could still be alive, this animal is capable of murder and it’s running around in our village surely I should do something, then again maybe the attack is totally unrelated to the wolf thingy I saw on Halloween or the other week.

I dragged myself downstairs my mum was sitting at the table with a cup of tea and newspaper “Good morning…oh wait I mean good afternoon” she said greeted glancing at the clock

“Huh?” I said groggily

“It’s half-past twelve in the afternoon,” she laughed. I glanced at the clock and rolled my eyes  “-Oh my God you’ll never guess what!” I jumped at her sudden outburst.

“Seriously do you have to do that?” I shouted clutching my chest, my heart pounding with fright.

“Sorry it’s just Hayley and Shaun are moving,” my heart sank.

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