Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Ellie found her way back to me after getting lost in the crowd leaving the canteen, she found her place standing next to me as I waited outside our registration classroom. 

“Sorry about that I didn’t stand a chance against those chavs it annoys me how they don’t even try to hide the stench of cigarettes, you'd think they've never heard of body spray or chewing gum” she complained, I understood what she meant there’s nothing worse than being stuck behind a smoker in a queue they smell so strong of cigarettes they could give anyone in the same room as them lung cancer in five minutes. We took our seats and settled down the register was called it was the first time we had been together since the incident and I was hoping no one would bring that subject up and act like I was some kind of hero. When my name was called for the register like normal I kept my head down


“Yes Sir” I replied keeping my gaze attached to the desk

After everyone had answered the room turned back to normal, everyone burst into conversation talking about the weekend, complaining about coursework. I was relieved that no one had mentioned the events of last week with five minutes left most of the room buzzed with the thought of going home but for some of us we had to stay here for an extra hour because we had Biology.

The atmosphere changed and the noise died I searched the room for the cause of silence; everyone was sitting down apart from Emma. She stood proudly with her long chocolate brown hair hanging down to her waist with a small red headband keeping it from dangling in her face. She was Charlotte’s best friend and had been ever since year seven, Charlotte was still recovering at home and everyone could tell Emma missed her as she wasn’t her normal happy, bubbly self.

“Can everyone quieten down for a minute please?” she hushed the remaining people “before we all go I’d just like to say something to Amy” I wanted the ground to open and swallow me up “I can’t begin to explain how grateful I, and I’m sure the rest of this room is, for what you done last week” she looked at me…along with the rest of the room “If you weren’t there Charlotte most probably would’ve died . You thought on the spot and put everyone before yourself,  if you didn’t notice the leak someone could’ve lit up a match to light a Bunsen burner and…half of the school would have gone up in flames including everyone in this room” you could hear the emotion in her voice her eyes glistened with traces of tears “and none of us would be here so thank you so much”

Wow I really didn’t think about it like that. It was still quiet after she stopped speaking then someone clapping broke the silence one after another everyone clapped until the room was roaring, staring at me. Even Ellie starting clapping giving me a mocking smile, I looked at her with raised eyebrows- she knew how much I hated being the centre of attention. I smiled for the rest of the day knowing how much I was appreciated although my face is still burning from embarrassment. Soon after the bell went and a large percentage of our form went to their next lesson or home which left me, Ellie and two others waiting for our Biology lesson . Me and Ellie moved to our seats at the front of the room I got myself settled  by taking off my cardigan and put it over my stool so I was just wearing my skinny jeans and black tank top, my  blonde hair was in a perfect neat bun.

“What are we doing today Sir?” Alex shouted glumly from the back

“Well we are carrying on with our anatomy unit so we’ll be starting on bones and muscles”

“…oh yay” Alex murmured sarcastically. I looked up to see how Mr Bates would react but he just rolled his eyes, personally I can’t wait I love learning about the body. The rest of the class poured in and we started off with recapping the previous lessons, like usual I kept my head down and just listened to his voice and made notes, looking to my left a table of girls were practically dribbling on their desks staring dreamily at Mr Bates explaining a diagram on the board.

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